Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.
Mai-tiffany Truong | Program Manager & Entrepreneur
I’ve taken quite a few risks in my life and career, but one of the biggest turning points came in 2019. I was all set to open another nail salon, but then the pandemic hit, and everything shifted. Suddenly, I had to rethink my entire plan. Instead of feeling stuck, I saw it as a chance to explore something new, and that’s when I jumped into tech by enrolling in Ada Developers Academy. It’s a program that helps women transition into the tech world, and it really pushed me out of my comfort zone. I discovered that I had skills and potential I hadn’t even tapped into yet! Read more>>
Tia Freeman | Content Creator, Owner of Tia Tamara LLC
I see risk as a vital part of growth and success, not just in my career but in life. For me, risk-taking is exhilarating because it’s an opportunity to step outside of societal norms and pursue what truly matters to me. I firmly believe that extraordinary achievements require stepping out of your comfort zone, and that’s been a guiding principle throughout my journey. Read more>>
Lindsay Jones | Miss Greater Atlanta & Entrepreneur
It is so important to take risks and put yourself in uncomfortable situations. You will never grow personally or professional if you do not take risks and try new things. I started out in a cupcake business and now work for the largest power tool company in the world because of taking a risk. Read more>>
Brianna Michelle Young | Online Business Coach for Creatives & Female Entreprenuers
No risk- no reward. As cliche as it. sounds its true. Not being afraid to invest in yourself and your business. Society doesn’t promote entreprenuership. We are taught early on that “money doesnt grow on trees” ” work hard and earn little at a JOB.” We grow up with this belief that we need to save our money versus spend it. Its in the “right” spending aka investing in your business that will get you the rewards. Read more>>
Dall’asia Howard | Hairstylist
Everyone must take risk! I belive strongly in taking risk. You never know how far it could take you. I also think that everyone has to start from somewhere so no matter how good you are at something you should take the risk to gain more experience and better your skill set! Never get to comfortable in your situation, there is always more out there. Read more>>
Otm Tv | The Out The Mud Podcast
Risk defines success. Chasing success and peace of mind 25 hours a day shows how essential it is in my life. Without risk, life lacks excitement. The thrill of always reaching for more is why I live. Most people just exist until they experience the beauty of risk taking. After their first success, they understand what it’s like to truly live, not just exist. Read more>>
Arielle Tate | Entrepreneur, Author & Business Mentor
I genuinely believe that risk-taking is essential for success, both in business and in life. To me, taking risks is like stepping out on faith—having the courage to pursue opportunities, even when the outcome is uncertain. I’ve learned that if you can imagine something, you can work towards achieving it. Throughout my journey, embracing risks has led me to some of my biggest successes. Even when things don’t go as planned, I find that those experiences often teach me valuable lessons and help me grow. Read more>>
Alison Jones | Data Analyst & Lifestyle Content Creator
According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of risk is “to expose to hazard or danger.” However, when I think about risk, I see it as motivation—not to settle in places or spaces where I don’t belong. In my life, taking risks has opened doors to opportunities I would never have experienced if I had chosen to remain stagnant. For example, I took a significant risk by switching my college major to something completely different from what I initially pursued. I took another leap of faith when I moved to Georgia on my own, leaving behind a sheltered and comfortable life with my parents. Read more>>
Jhetta Tionne Anderson | Actress, Director, & Creator
For me, risk is all about stepping out of my comfort zone to grow and pursue what matters. In acting, risk keeps things exciting and allows me to explore new sides of myself. Moving from New Jersey to chase an acting career was a huge leap, but one that opened doors I wouldn’t have found otherwise. Booking roles has been another big step, pushing me to keep growing as an artist. Directing and starting my own production company, Jani Adriel Studios, was a risk too, but my love for storytelling made it worth it. Read more>>
Deja Janea | Model, Musician, Author
Risk taking has been a pivotal aspect for my career. In 2017, I left home from my small town which was Delaware and headed to a big city, Los Angeles. If it wasn’t for me taking such a big leap, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I dodged the societal life which is typically going to college after high school and that alone was a big risk. When I moved to LA, I went to every open call at the agencies I wanted to work with and reached out to every local clothing brand. I was scared and wasn’t too familiar with rejection but quickly became used to it and didn’t let fear or rejection deter my goals. My family wanted me to join the Air Force and although I did try, I knew it wasn’t a desire of mine. Read more>>
Trevone Perry | Artist
No risk no reward! It’s the unknown things that leads us to our greatest destiny. If I wouldn’t have taken the risk to start. I wouldn’t know success today. Read more>>
Bianca Johnson | Influencer & Coach
I am a big risk taker. If I feel like it will help me grow or I can learn from the experience. I go for it. Read more>>
Thomasina Ruth | Author. Entrepreneur. Model. Actor
Taking risk has honestly been the most rewarding thing in my life. I think about how ive consider the Pros and Cons of weighing what I will gain or lose. In this case anything that I have lost in taking a risk was not mean’t to be apart of my destiny. Most people find “Risk Taking” much of a challenge because they are afraid of “failure”. In most cases “FEAR”. They fear the “What if things don’t go as I’ve planned,”? I’ve learned, It’s ok If things don’t work out. It’s not the end of The world. Risk-Taking helps you grow, be creative and helps you discover new opportunities. It has also helps you learn that failure is part of The process and doesn’t define who you truly are. Most importantly, Risk taking can also help you fulfill the authentic purpose God has for you.- Read more>>
Anthony Felton | Co Founder of PRESS PLAY Ent/ Co Founder of MIRGUNNAMGMT
Growing up where I come from as a kid, coming from a dysfunctional upbringing, all I seen in my life were people taking risk, I grew up taking risk. my father was a drug dealer, and my mother was a drug abuser. I was raised by my grandmother, watching my grandmother take rest. My grandmother was a hustler she was a madam. She ran a speakeasy.. So the only thing that I ever seen growing up was being a risk taker in my eyes in a positive light because in my eyes, it’s put food on the table and clothes on my back. Read more>>
Ayden Jai | Creative Director & Aerial Drone Pilot
When I think of taking a risk, I think about countless life decisions I made that altered my journey. Some positive, some not so positive. I think about all the rewards that have come from the risks I’ve taken. I also think about the additional steps I had to take on my journey. I think about the time I flew to New York in 22′ for NYFW with no connections and literally $150 in my pocket and how that has since turned into me working directly with a network of fashion designers on their shows/collections. I think about the time I felt stagnant and took the risk to start a creative talent agency. I remember hosting an Airbnb business with my business partner against the property’s wishes almost getting an eviction and having to find a new home in 7 days. Read more>>
Simon Shih | Actor
I’ve always been a risk taker, since my teenage years. I quit high school my freshman year, got my GED and went to trade school for computers. My first “career” was in computer hardware, but quickly fell into the graphics/software side and learned on the job. That lasted less than a decade when a major downturn in the job market left me unemployed for a year. Most of my friends at the time were in the oil and gas industry so I entered the non-destruction inspection field with some books and some help. That need up being my career for the next 20 years. After losing my job at the end of 2022, I took another risk and decided to give acting a try. I fell in love with it and the last two years have been pursuing an acting career, while bartending as a survival job. Read more>>
Lisa Poore | Licensed Professional Counselor
To be an entrepreneur, I believe you have to embrace risk. Starting your own business inevitably involves uncertainties and risks — will it succeed? Do I have enough money for startup costs and for payroll? Are the employees I chose the right fit? Is my business plan solid and going to lead to success? When I started my business, I faced countless unknowns. There were so many unknowns in starting my business. I had to learn to navigate the discomfort of uncertainty and manage the often tight financial margins that came with building a business from the ground up. Read more>>
Katie Perkowska | Photographer
Well let me just start of by saying I have a tattoo on my back that says “never let your fear decide your fate” – yup, those are Awolnation lyrics! It’s probably a bit cheesy but I truly try to live my life this way. I’m most afraid of wondering “what if” rather than being afraid of the outcomes of the things I do. Read more>>
Brionne Alford, Mental Health Therapist Antonique Peterson, Family Medicine Physician | Owners of JETSET Pilates Alpharetta
When it came to business ventures, we always played it safe. Our portfolio read like a handbook for recession-proof investments: stable career choices, income-generating real estate, and reliable long-haul transport services. So when we decided to join JETSET, a modern Pilates franchised more than a few eyebrows were raised – including our own. Read more>>
Cortlan White | Son, Brother, Uncle, Entrepreneur, & Servant Leader
I believe risk-taking is essential for growth and success. Like investments, there is often a positive correlation between risk and reward. However, taking risks shouldn’t be reckless; it requires careful planning to minimize unnecessary exposure. Three strategies to minimize unnecessary exposure include: 1. Conduct a Risk Assessment Read more>>
Terry Kalassa | Fitness/wellness enthusiast and public figure
For me Risk taking is a decision I have to make in order to succeed to make my vision come to fruition, it’s taking a calculated risk and betting on myself make it through. Risk taking has drastically improved my confidence in having more faith in my decision making and has help me to acquire knowledge throughout the process on building a business or brand. Read more>>
Morgan Hall | Founder, Jiovanni Jewels
I inadvertently learned a tough lesson about risk when I went to law school and spent 4 and half years as an unhappy lawyer. It’s no secret that pursuing higher education is very expensive. But we don’t typically think about that huge financial commitment as a risk. We view it as investment in our future where the odds are overwhelmingly in our favor. We justify six-figure student debt as a means to an end. A way to secure higher paying jobs that will afford us a comfortable life. Read more>>
Just Jay | Comedian/Storyteller
In a nutshell I believe you’ll never know your full potential if you’re never willing to risk a loss. It’s risks we take that push the boundaries of what we know and show us and those around us what we are capable of. The risks I’ve taken have pushed me to what I thought was my breaking point so many times, and each time I have succeeded I came out a better version of myself and a little bit further ahead than where I started. Read more>>
Jesse La Flair | Parkour Athlete, Stuntman & Actor
Risk is the heartbeat of my career and life. From launching myself off rooftops as the worlds first professional parkour athlete with his own pro signature model shoe to transitioning from stuntman into full time actor, I’ve learned that calculated risk is where growth begins. With out knowing where the edge of our current limitations are we can not make proper goals to progress past them. Read more>>