We reached out to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and asked them to think back and tell us about how they decided to start a business. Check out their responses below.

Nichole Ogburn | Handbag Designer

After the success of my starting my handbag business, that question has been asked of me many times. The truth is, Perfect Purse Collection was just a part-time venture that quickly turned into one of the fastest growing online handbag boutiques in Atlanta. Designing a handbag was never a part of the plan; it stemmed from a desire to be different. Read more>>

Ashley Barrett | Ashley Barrett also known as Aybe Lexington | Artist and CEO of The Clariteye Company

I started my company, The Clariteye Company in 2018, to help other women artist and creatives navigate the music industry. I heard so many stories of women having bad experience and I wanted to share my connects that God has blessed me with. Read more>>

Keisha Hall | Serial Entrepreneur & Educator

I started Prayer & Hustle when I moved back to my hometown of Newburgh, NY after tearing my ACL. I was living in Tampa, coaching two basketball teams, mentoring during the day and serving at night and was miserable. All the hard work and effort I was putting out was not being put back into myself and essentially, I lost myself. Read more>>

Delshun Brooks | Professional Photographer

My children. Since my children were born I’ve always set the goals as college or entrepreneurship. But for them to achieve this task, I understood that I myself, had to be a good example. I dabbled around with a few entrepreneural ventures until photography found me. Read more>>

Katie Marie (my last name is jackson, but I go by Katie Marie on my podcast) | Host of Breathe Easy | the Podcast

First off, thank you so much for this opportunity to talk with you all today! I was a journalism major in undergrad, and now I am pursuing my doctorate in physical therapy. So, I think the process started when I realized I wasn’t going to pursue a traditional career in journalism, but I still had that itch to use my voice to make a difference. Read more>>

Tanjineka Hall | 2x Certified Lash Artist & Brow Artist, Certified Health Information Tech

Starting my own business was never the intention. 2019 I took lash training From my lash tech at the time to actually learn another craft. And for a little extra money in addition to my corporate job at the time. Read more>>

Laura Schwartzenberger | Owner & Curator of Ironside Vintage & Other Delights

I worked in small business retail for almost 16 years. This gave me the opportunity to learn a lot of what is expected of a small business owner. I always dreamed of owning my own company so in February of 2020 after having our second child, I began Ironside Vintage as a side gig. Read more>>

Aaron Thomas | Professional Photographer – @atshotit

Growing up in the entertainment industry I’ve always had the desire and passion to be able to do everything. From music, photography, filming movies, design sets, owning my own companies and more. I have so many gifts and talents. Not only did I want to utilize them I also wanted to make sure I own everything that I created. Read more>>

Brittany Grigsby | Master cosmetologist/Entrepreneur

I knew what i didn’t want my business to be, from the failed attempts to find a salon home. Salons ran by bad managers, and seeing amazing ,burnt out stylist, quit the industry. I saw how easy it was to run someone in the ground, because you love what you do. Read more>>

Christopher Boa | Musician, Producer, Fashion Designer, Entrepeneur

We Created Fatbol Clothing to bring exposure to the Music, Art, and Culture of the Humboldt County Community. Our mission is to bring this culture of talented underground creatives beyond the Redwood Curtain and to the greater global community. Read more>>

Keisa Peek | Hair, Skin & Body Care Developer & Author

My thought process in regards to starting my own business primarily focuses on my why. By understanding my why, I am able to move forward when times seem hard. When things do not go according to plans, I take a deep breath, I breathe in and out to ground myself. I concentrate on current situations and I remind myself, I can’t focus on situations that do not honor the path I am on. I cannot permit myself to go down a deep whole like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. Read more>>

Courtney Gaines | Personal Strategy Coach

I have been a Professional School Counselor for over 20 years and had a niche for working well with students in the middle school range. Although they received my support within the “schoolhouse” they were still in need of more support in handling life challenges, that they necessarily didn’t need a therapist for. Read more>>

Dia Wins | Showroom Owner & Fashion Stylist

My desire to stay sane while working a job I hated was my motivation.to start my own business. I wanted to fulfil my passion while making money to fund my dream. Read more>>

chidera omeke | Fashion entrepreneur & designer

I grew up from a family of entrepreneurs and watched my parents run successful businesses. It was something I genuinely had an interest in. I tried to explore the 9-5 world but it didn’t give me the fulfillment I craved. When it comes to fashion; comfort, flexibility and colors come to my mind and that led to the launch of the deo apparel brand. Read more>>

Mason Embers | Musician

Q: What was your thought process behind starting your own business? A: My business is millions of people’s business, and they call it the music industry. It’s always going at one hundred miles an hour, and when you start a career you have to try to match its speed and only then are you able to jump in. Read more>>

Amber Spence-Reed | Social Media Manager & Event Manager/Coordinator

I wanted to be in control. In control of my time , my money, and my creativity. I was over having to answer to other people who never took the time to even consider your potential. So, when I started I saw it as an opportunity to give me a chance for once. To serve my community and walk in my purpose. Fear and all! It’s a great thing to wake up every day and know you’re doing something you love. Read more>>

Angela Wright | Author/Motivational Speaker & Co-Founder of Chance 2 Change

My thought process behind starting my own business was it’s the very best option, actually the only option if I planned to be successful and encourage others behind me to be successful as well. Read more>>

Jazzy Kash | Business Consultant & Clarity Coach

As a child, I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur and all through grade school, i aspired to one day own a company, but even as a college freshman I still did not have a plan solid enough to allow me to see beyond managing someone else’s company. Read more>>

Carlotta Penn, PHD | Creative/Writer, & Founder, Daydreamers Press

I started Daydreamers Press after self-publishing my first picture book, Dream A Rainbow, in 2017. After experiencing miscarriages in the previous years, I wrote the story in dedication to my Rainbow Baby–my first born child after loss. Read more>>

Beautiful Vision Events and Decor Center Aniesia Douglas, Camesha Richardson and Nearra Coleman | Event Planners & DIY Enthusiast

Our thought process behind creating our business was to secure our spot in life! We wanted to have something that our family could participate in and would create an outlet for our children to pursue in the future as well. We were/are focused on being great examples of how hard work can be fun and exciting! Read more>>

What’s Hoppining Scott Croston, Edouard Charles, Garrett Boots | Beer Connoisseurs

Truly, it started over Thanksgiving dinner in 2012. Ed and Scott were all trying beers when we thought, “Hey, we should do this ourselves.” We created a name and we just jumped into it. We wanted to talk about beer, drink beer, and just have fun. Read more>>

Trenise Elmore | Filmmaker & Blogger

I wanted to create a safe space for others to tell their story. We live in a world where the media finds joy in manipulating stories to gain attention and money. I have a problem with that. Our stories are a light. They connect us in so many ways while we are all on different paths. Read more>>

Trent Bennett | Firearms instructor and range safety officer

As co-owner of Equipped Community Defense Training & Tactics along with my wife Madison, we saw a need to educate people in our community in relations to firearms. Read more>>

Arnaldo Cepeda | Business Owner and Consultant with a Love for Fashion

I wanted to take back control of my time. ArnaldoEvan.com is actually my third company, as I run a real estate investment firm, Cepeda Capital Ventures, and a digital nursing student training center with my Wife, The Nurse Sam. I used to work tirelessly as a sales manager in large franchise car dealerships and had very little life to live with super long shifts. Read more>>

The Movemeant Band | Musicians

The moment you’re able to make money, you become your own business. Already established companies may offer more pay and security to begin with, but you won’t grow your brand unless you put in time, money, and effort (even in small increments). Read more>>

Iesha Manning Nelson | mommy |makeup mogul |trendsetter

I originally made my chapstick for my son his he would get the chapped lips so bad , so the chapsticks was a hit , im like okay I love lipgloss lets see if I can make something for girls too. my lipglosses were hit I was whipping gloss in my mom house on the living room table. Read more>>

Pamela & Paloma | Co-Founders of Wide Awake, Creative Studio

What started as two old friends out for drinks, ended up being a conversation that would change our lives. Two Negronis in, one joke about starting a business and 4 years later, we’ve done the damn thing. Read more>>

Laura Vernice | Virtual Assistant and Vocalist

My thought process on starting my own business? I was tired of working for other people for pay that did not match my skills. I was still working my full-time job of over 13 years with a very low wage compared to what I should have been making. Read more>>

Abriana Wilson | Co-Owner of Redefined Beauty LLC, Certified Loctician,

I was scared to be honest, I was afraid no one would sit in my chair. I had been braiding hair for years but never thought about it actually being a career, like making a entire living from braiding hair. I stepped out on faith with this and I’m so glad I did. Read more>>

Britney Moliere | Lash Artist & Creator

My whole thought process to starting my own business was to be stable, to be free, but that later changed to something way more deeper and meaningful. I had a kid at 18 and really did not want to do the normal thing in life. I wanted something different, so I can have time for my child. Read more>>

Carlton & Nicole Ross | Owner/ Operator

Fearless Athletics kind of fell into our lap. We were presented with the opportunity to buy a CrossFit gym and we jumped at the opportunity. We were afraid. Besides coaching football leagues we had little to no knowledge of the fitness industry. The first thing we did was study the industry, read many books about fitness and got certified in our industry. Read more>>

FTB Bran | Artist

I’ve always had a boss mentality and liked to structure my moves before i made them so i figured why not start a business in something that i love the most which is music. So i started a label which is From Tha Bottom Entertainment Read more>>

hajeyy | artist

I’ve always wanted to sing and make music since i was younger and finally made it happen when i was 13. But throughout the years discovering other things I discovered wanting to do more than music . I’m starting my own clothing brand business along with doing music , not only to have multiple business/incomes but to put myself into another realm of business. Read more>>

Darryll Ballard Jr | Entrepreneur

The thought process behind me starting my business was simply to establish wealth for me and my family. But to be more specific it was manifested, it all started with an idea, then with determination it became my reality. Read more>>

Danielle Bryant | Owner of Dainty Jewels by Danielle

Owning my own business was always in my dream. I envisioned something that I could be totally in charge of, set my own schedule, plan creative ways to sell my product and make a profit. I was very shy and had fear of speaking up and talking to people. Because of my shyness, I had great fear that I was not a good fit for this endeavor. Read more>>

Leah Garcia | Fashion Boutique Owner

My thought process behind starting my own business was to be able to inspire, and impact others all around the world. To be able to create generational wealth, help the community and empower other women through fashion! Not only to help empower others but to inspire them to achieve their own goals and dreams. Read more>>

Theresa Bills | Holistic health practitioner, EMT and Certified Beauty Pro

I wanted to start this business because I had been in the healthcare field for about 16 years prior and I was very interested in natural health and wellness. At the time my mother was dealing with a tumor on her pituitary gland and we were looking at alternative treatments and herbs to optimize her health. Read more>>

Jasmine Ballard | Jaeestylesz

Everyone, including myself started out working for someone else but throughout that time became a time where I didn’t want to do that anymore. When I started waking up and hated going to work or saying “hey I wish I could stay home today “ , it sparked something in me. I realized I was on the wrong path. Read more>>

Karen DJ Nett” Lawson | DJ

My thought process behind starting my 501c3 Nonprofit: Nettwork Inc was inspired by my passion for both, working with youth and my love for Arts & community. Read more>>

Destiny Saucedo | Childbirth Educator, Lactation Counselor, & Conscious Parenting Enthusiast

I cherish being a mother and every crazy bit of parenting – I want to share that love with others. I want all moms and birthing people to have access to information that would make their journey into parenthood as pleasantly as possible. Read more>>

Dayna Conway | Writer, Director & Producer

After trying for years to get discovered, or land a job with a prominent production company, I felt if the door wasn’t going to open for me, it was just time for me to create my own way in. Read more>>

Dorian Gayle | Stand Up Comedian,Entertainer and Entrepreneur

I wanted to become an entertainer and start my own company .I wanted produce content ,film and production not just as an entertainer but as a business owner.As an entertainer when I wasn’t working on my craft I planned to own everything I do and as much as I can own Read more>>

Tiffanya Richardson | Author and Life Coach

Originally I had a passion to help women like me. I was excited about it, but didn’t know much at all about business. I did however coach women all the time before ever understanding that was a thing. I enjoyed sharing my insight to help others, and I also loved creating opportunities for others to thrive and shine. Read more>>

Hannah Ayers | Wedding Coordinator and DJ

I started my wedding business out of pure necessity. When I was only 1.5 months pregnant with my son, my son’s father sent me divorce papers. I knew I was going to be a single mom on day one but I didn’t want my son to have a mom that was never present. So I knew I needed to think up something fast. Read more>>



Elana Himmelfarb | Autism Consultant, Transition & Learning Specialist, Disability Sexuality Educator

I had been specializing in children and adolescents since I began my career, but when I worked at a high school for 8 years I realized that there existed a window of extreme vulnerability post high school for young adults with disabilities. Read more>>

D’Maia DeVoe | Artist & Digital Creator

For the longest time I was always told I should start selling my art, but i was too scared to do so. One main rain reason being that I didn’t want to put my work online with the chance of it being stolen, because in the words of the great Erykah Badu, “I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my s**t.” But at the same time I did realize that no one would even know I’m an artist or my art if I don’t expose myself . Read more>>

Skye Estroff | Food Expert & Host of Foodie Road Trip

It’s actually funny because I recently uncovered a portfolio that I wrote in college about my future. I was flipping through the pages and stopped in my tracks when I read that I predicted I would work for myself. I could not remember writing this! After graduating from the University of Georgia, I started working for companies in food and media around Atlanta (Atlanta Eats then Taste of Atlanta) and formed great relationships and skills in the world of restaurants and marketing. Read more>>