Work-Life Balance: is there such a thing?

A host of factors, developments, and dynamics have made most industries more competitive than ever. As a result so many of us wonder whether there is still such a think as work-life balance. We reached out to community to hear perspectives on finding the right balance.
My work life has changed so much now that I am retired. Now, I work part-time. It is a lot less stressful now verses some 30 years ago of having to be dedicated to making a living with a full-time job commitment and raising 2 small children. Now, I have more personal “me time” and artistic time to explore my passion for photography. Years ago, I was so stressed with needing to survive to provide for my children and an elderly mother with Alzheimer’s Disease. The balance today allows me more time to be creative and learn techniques to finesse my art. Read more>>
So I am a musician and I am so thankful that I get to do what I love at my age. I started my last project (Rhythm Earth) later in life when I was 30 and after, I thought I was gonna give up music. I decided to create a balance in my life with it, I could not afford to take the risk of touring endlessly with little to no money made, then going back home to a wife and a baby girl at my age when I want that in my life. Many musicians sacrifice those things for a free life with music and touring, or get lucky and hit it big young. Read more>>
Work life balance is a luxury that most of us can barely afford. However, it takes patience, practice and an understanding of what can wait until tomorrow and the discipline to stick to your own bi-laws. I run two businesses and have 3 young children yet I still have time to work out, socialize with friends and be with my family. If you surround yourself with great people and do your best to be a joy to work for, people want to help. It’s human nature to want to feel loved, valued and a part of something bigger than ourselves. Read more>>
It has definitely flipped upside down since the birth of my son Charles. Classes and studio time are all structured around sleep and pre-school. Most of my creativity happens in the night or the wee hours of dawn. The balance is definitely needed. I need my family to keep my heart going, and my painting to keep my sanity. Read more>>
I do not believe in work life balance anymore. yes, you heard it right. Hear me out…I had a discussion with a dear friend who made me realized that balance in life is a myth. If balance is about static, then we are all screwed. I have 3 businesses that I need to work on every single day; in an unlikely event, I will have to work 24/7. In the meantime, I still need to do my chores and spend time with my friends, and family. All I can say is, if you do your best in everyday life eventually you will find your own way of living. Read more>>
My balance has changed over time due to COVID-19. I used to be the one who worked at the charity office as the Executive Director until I had about one hour left to rush to the gym before they close at 11:00 pm at night, get a quick workout session in, rush home to do more work on my for-profit consulting business, shower then sleep. I would wake up early, make a shake and do it all over again. In many public speaking talks, I discuss incorporating balance into one’s life. Read more>>