How do you think about risk? What role has taking risks played in your life/career? Check out responses from hidden gems from our community below.

Yavonya Frazier | Business Owner

A lot of people are afraid to take risk, but I personally think risk is a part of life. How big or little you view it depends on your perception. As an entrepreneur, you must know how to play the cards that are dealt to you and know how much risk you’re willing to take. When I have new ideas that I am weary about my thought process is always go for it because “the time will pass” by regardless. For example, many people are often discouraged by others to go to college because they’re told that they’re too old or they’ve been out of high school for too long etc. But no matter how you look at it, the time will bypass and in five years you can have a degree or in five years you can be in the same predicament. Read more>>

Triston Montgomery | Video Strategist

Before deciding to quit my last job to start my video production business, risk was something I took very seriously. I have always been very cautious about pretty much every decision I make. I think about it, think about it some more, write it down, turn it upside down, write it with different phrasing, ask my friends for advice, ask my dad for advice, pray about it, & wonder if bad things that happened were a sign to make a certain decision. But, do you know what I could do with all of the time it takes me to analyze the risk of one decision? I could make 10 more decisions that get me 10 steps closer to my goals. Read more>>

Jakkar Thompson | Professional Actor & Army Veteran

I have always been told that playing it safe is one of the most dangerous things you can do. If you don’t take a chance or risk it all, then what are you doing? If you hope to be successful, you have to take risk. Break the mold. Move the needle. Push yourself beyond your own expectations. As for my career, I have made many risks and not once do I have to think, “what if” because, “I did !” Whether it was joining the Army (11 Bravo Infantryman), becoming an amateur Strongman or even being an actor, which I love dearly, risks has been more of a blessing to me than anything. You can’t believe in yourself or your abilities, if you’re not willing to risk anything at stake. Read more>>

Justin Grome | Serial Entrepreneur & Founder of Clonefluence, Inc.

The only way to become successful is by taking risks. Nearly everyone wakes up and drives to work every day, that’s a risk. Taking it one step further to enhance a brand is what people get scared about. You live and you learn so every decision you ever make isn’t going to have a positive outcome. The sooner individuals become accustomed to this mindset is when they will be on the right track. It’s okay to make mistakes, that’s why it’s called risks and not guarantees. Taking those extra steps could skyrocket your online presence, get the income you dreamed of, or even close the best deal of your life. Sometimes you just have to go for it with no regrets because you’re meant to make mistakes, not be a perfect being. Read more>>

Laronda Dawson | Author, Singer/Songwriter, and podcaster

Taking risks has taken front and center, as it pertains to my career. I’ve always known I would be my own boss. Even when I worked in someone else’s workplace. I would do so as if I owned that business and worked with integrity. I remember my very first time opening a business. I took extra measures to ensure the business would run with such excellence that I wouldn’t have to do much advertising. Well, that’s exactly what happened, my success was solely by word of mouth. Because I worked inevitability to please my clients, my reputation preceded me, and soon I had more clients than the space I held could contain. Read more>>

Pamela Delgado | Founder and Marketing Consultant

All of my progress and advancements have come after taking great risks. I have always been very certain about the level of achievements and success I want to experience and that certainty is what contributes to the confidence I have in myself to see things through. Granted, some risks have come with failure but, those failures or lessons/detours as I rather call them have lead me on the path I am supposed to be on in my life and career. I grew up very athletic and playing organized sports influenced and molded my mindset. It’s the reason why I am not afraid of failing. It’s the reason why I am highly competitive with myself to see things through. Taking risks has allowed me to experience a glimpse of what it feels like to live out my passions. My goal is to experience what I continue to build on a much grander scale which is why I say glimpse. Read more>>

Kiara Day | Entrepreneur

Risks are opportunities that can either make or break you. It’s important not to always play it safe because you never know what the outcome will be. Taking risks has really helped my career along the way because certain moves I felt uncertain about, were some of the very moves that put me where I am now. Never be afraid to take risks! You never know what great outcomes come from stepping outside the box. Read more>>

Seven Chan | Entrepreneur/ Resraurant Owner

Risk has always been a familiar frenemy in my life. As a business owner my whole life with this being my 21st year in business risk is just a part of everyday life. Most people may romanticize it as a business owner but its what everyone does on a daily basis just on their own scale. When it comes to starting our first restaurants here in Atlanta we tell ourselves we are not kings we are conquerers. Everyday we get up and we compete against not just our competitors but against ourselves to be the best at what we do. Read more>>

Tracey Kennedy | Founder of California Country Organics Body Care

The downside of taking a risk is the uncertainty. You never know whether you are going to reach the moon or fall flat on your butt without a hand to help you back up. Does that mean you shouldn’t take the risk? Heck NO! Here’s why: Four and a half years ago, I was a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom. My life consisted of cooking, cleaning, taking care of my husband, and working to raise some of the brightest fun-spirited children anyone could ever meet. My husband afforded me zero access to, what was supposed to be, “Our” finances. Like, so many women, I was a slave to my home; Living in the South on top of that! Depression became a stronger friend of mine. I began applying the philosophy I developed working in fine dining for years, towards body care to give me something to focus on that felt like it was mine and mine only. Read more>>

Carrita Tanner-Cloud | Strategic Brand Manager and Systems Strategist

Some call it risk, I call it faith. Whichever term people choose to use is up to their foundational belief system. Raised in the church my entire life as a Pastor’s daughter, walking in and by faith is something I’ve been doing since a child. Seeing my father, both a Pastor and serial entrepreneur become a millionaire through entrepreneurship helped motivate me to want the same for my life. It’s impossible to be in business with taking risks and the most successful business owners take the greatest risks. Every major elevation in my business required risk, a leap of faith. Read more>>

Runnabag Luccy | Upcoming music mogul

I feel like risk are how you measure the gain of a task. The higher the risk the higher the reward. But I also feel like it’s up to you to decide if the risk is worth the reward. Me viewing it as such makes it a lot easier for me to base decisions off of more than just spur of the moment emotion. Read more>>

Tiffanie Davis | Founder, Content Creator, Influencer

One of my absolute favorite quotes is: “When you Take the Leap, the Net in Appears.” This about sums out how I feel bout risk-taking! I’ve come to beileve that taking risks is a part of my DNA. It’s played a huge role in my life and career thus far. Through my life I’ve found myself at a crossroads one too many times, having to decide whether to take the safe/traditional path or the one less-traveled. I’ve most often always chose the latter. Read more>>

Super Julie Braun | Founder & CEO of Super Purposes

I think about risk as being the foundation for being an entrepreneur. I also think risk is really about having living an extraordinary life. People who want to play it safe don’t take risks. They comply with their lives. They live in the same town they’ve lived their whole lives, never leaving their family, falling into a job or profession that is comfortable and easy, and they become very complacent. Complacency is a place where a lot of people live, and we need people to have a stable, relaxed life. But then there are other people who choose to really have some extraordinary things happen to them. And that’s all about risk. When I think about the role that risk has taken in my life, it has taken me around the world. It has allowed me to live overseas. Read more>>

Mikalyn Robinson | Cosmetologist

How would I know what step to take next if I never got out of my comfort zone and took risks ? Without taking risks decision making for me would be hard . Going about my everyday life would be hard . Taking risk has showed me the Ins and Outs of what I should And shouldn’t do . It has put me in a position where because I took that risk I don’t have to make that same mistake again . It then becomes a learning experience. Doing so has helped me grow as a person and has also help me to operate and grow my business . Read more>>

Alo The Radio God | Music Video Director & TV Personality

if i didn’t take risks i would not be in the place i am today. i come from humble beginnings i worked every type of 9 to 5 you can think of. from fast food to retail, to factory work to shoveling horse manure i did it , but none of those jobs ever lasted long because i would always refused that working for these companies would be my life. One day i got a wake up call from a boss of mine. i was working at a call center and i was miserable i would miss many opportunities because i was stuck slaving for the clock. well one day my boss called me into her office and said “you don’t belong here, go follow your dreams. im going to do you a favor your FIRED!” i was so scared no more paychecks i could of easily gotten another job but i said this is it. it’s all or nothing. it’s been 10 years i went from making 9 dollars an hour to making $500 an hour.i went from being stuck in one place to traveling the world ….. without risks theres no big reward Read more>>

Perry Zulu Jr. | Actor/Singer/Writer

For me taking risk has always been apparent in many areas of my life. Beginning with the 1990 civil-war crisis in Liberia; my family and I risked our lives as we fled from rebel troops, into exile in Ghana. I found myself again barely making it out of Liberia, as I was being evacuated out of the country to the United States by U.S. Marines, as a result of the 2003 invasion. And so as an actor/ performer/artist, all I know is taking risks. From auditioning, networking, to booking a job, I’m always betting on myself no matter the odds that are against me. And that comes with the job of a creative/performing artist. Acting totally found me when I took the risk to move to Atlanta GA; with no family here. Read more>>

Precious Osagie-Erese | Co-Founder and COO of Roll Up Life, Inc.

I use to navigate my career by avoiding risk at all costs. If I felt like the risk outweighed the opportunity, I would generally walk away– always with a hint of regret. That changed for me when I decided to dive head first into the cannabis industry. I’ve always been excited by the thought of being apart of a new industry during my lifetime. One that is growing by the day and has a social justice component that is unmatched. The day I decided to be a full time cannabis entrepreneur, was the same day I knew I discovered my true passion. Read more>>

Courtney Ryan | Professor of Foundation Studies, SCAD University

Risk for me is not something that I see as an ordeal meant to be overcome, but instead a regular part of an active artist’s studio process. Risk means exploration, and saying yes even when you don’t necessarily have the skills to do something, because without risk the mystic of what “could happen” in your artwork fades away. That might be cliche, but I give risk taking credit for where I am today in my career as an artist. To make all this make sense, some backstory is necessary in terms of my trajectory to my current career as a Professor of Foundation Studies at Savannah College of Art and Design, SCAD, in Atlanta, GA. Read more>>

Visionary Thoughts | Content Creator

Personally, I believe that taking risks is a vital part of the human experience. Every day we have the choice to make decisions that will either benefit or harm us. Risk taking has been one of the main ingredients that has helped me evolve in the expressive arts realm. I am an artist who creates content that promotes the importance of spreading the truth and glorifying the Most High. In doing so, I expect to face backlash and pushback for being bold and standing firm in what I believe. Read more>>

Kierra Mariah | Model & Actress

Taking risk is a HUGE factor when trying to be successful in this industry. You literally have to take risk every single day. Sometimes when taking risk, you have to understand that not every risk is going to land you somewhere. It may not land you that role you audition for, the modeling casting you wanted to book, or the investment deal you’ve been trying to secure. But you always want to be able to tell yourself “I tried” rather than, “I wish I did”. Read more>>