We don’t believe success is random. Over the years we have spoken with hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, researchers, athletes, and more. We’ve learned from them – both through their stories and through the advice they’ve shared with us – and it’s quite evident that success is more likely when certain habits are present. So, we decided to ask folks to share their habits with us, especially those that they feel helped them succeed.

Dr. Samantha Fitts | Author, Educator, and Speaker

I am the author of “Journey of Hope: Love, Marriage, and Overcoming Infertility at 40”. Over the past few years, I have been motivating others through the messages my book. “Journey of Hope” is inspiration for ALL. No matter what you want to “birth” in life you can apply the 4Ps I applied throughout my journey of hope to overcome my obstacles in life. My 4Ps of succeeding and overcoming: Prayer, Plan, Patience, and Persistence • Prayer. You must pray without ceasing. Read more>>

Mona B. | Entrepreneur & Natural Hair/Fashion Enthusiast

Habits that have helped me succeed are, being determined, and focused. By nature I’m a creature of habit, once I put my mind to something I won’t give up until I succeed at it. It becomes apart of my daily routine. Being determined has carried me a very long way, no matter how hard things may get I don’t give up. Even when I’m struggling I try to stay focused because I know there will be light at the end of tunnel and the reward is going to be so sweet. These two habits have also built my character, being an entrepreneur requires a lot of self motivation and focus. Read more>>

Ashley Gay-Johnson | Entrepreneur & Philanthropist

“Taking time to smell the roses” a quote that we would here after our high school teams would win a game. Our high school principal would grant us with an additional 5 minutes of socialization time as we walk from home room to 1st period. During this time we would gather in the quad and hang out with our friends. Those 5 mins were important as a teenager and now that I am an adult, they are even more important to me. I have learned how to take a step back when I am feeling overwhelmed with business matters and personal matters. Read more>>

Geno Murray | Photographer/Videographer

I Constantly recenter my Focus due to me having to take a step back in times where stuff wasn’t how I wanted it and access what’s needed, How can I be better ,what needs to addressed or what am I Doing wrong. I challenge myself at all times in becoming better at what I do. Because of that, it conditioned me in being a more well rounded individual. Listed below are habits that have helped to shape who I am today and contributed greatly to the success of my business. Read more>>

Dr. Lisa Rhymer

Staying focused is of paramount importance. Writing down goals and tasks provides you with a framework of the scope of work needed to make progress in your business. Research is part of the process ; make sure you’re knowleable about what you’re doing, about what you’re selling, and about what you’re marketing. Read more>>

Amanda Kinsey-Joplin | Female BBQ Pitmaster

The habits that have made me successful thus far is my determination for greatness and my ability of not giving up on myself. And, not quitting and never seeing my full potential of what I can become as a businesswoman. I am determined that ‘Amanda’s BarBeeQue” will become a household name. Being an African American woman / pitmaster is hard in this male dominated field . And, I want to show that women can cook outside the kitchen and play with fire AND still be tender and glamorous at the same time. Read more>>

Darius Norman | Radio Host

I can identify three habits that has helped me succeed attain the goals I have created for myself. The first habit that is apart of the equation For me to succeed was to develop an unbroken focus which is critically important. I think once you are truly focused on achieving a goal you set out for yourself you will become unstoppable. The second habit I have identified for you to succeed is to be a principle-driven individual guided by integrity. Read more>>

Devon Commons | Author Screenwriter & Excuative producer

Staying humble keeping God, first because i can’t do nothing without him. Also staying down and keeping the faith in what I’m trying to succeed in which is my craft of writing. Read more>>

Carrie Brown | Photographer

I am a 100% perfectionist. Once I get an inkling of an idea I get to planning the details. When I am on a shoot everything has to look perfect before I even pick up my camera. If I do not love what I see before I click I will not love it after. Read more>>

Dr. Kiki Michelle Singletary-Williams | Pastoral Counselor, Educator, Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artist

Habits which helped me to succeed were a daily prayer life along with persistence and consistency. I set definitive goals and write them down. I research what it takes to accomplish each step towards the success of each goal, then I implement directives for each goal. When I run into road blocks, I am never thrown off, instead I revamp and readjust in order to reach the goal. Being consistent and making a concerted effort to maintain professionalism, has helped me to be successful in life. Read more>>


I would definitely say consistency is key; getting up everyday giving that 100% plus more.. while still being mindful to instill balance in everything I do. Personal growth is a big one! In order to succeed, you have to become a better person as well.. that way, when you feel weak? That ‘higher self’ kicks in! Last but not least, belief in myself, like the old saying goes.. “If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will” and I’m very conscious of that in everything I do. Read more>>