Meet Sjacquis Johnson | Model, Designer, Actress, Creative Director

We had the good fortune of connecting with Sjacquis Johnson and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Sjacquis, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
I feel like taking risk is what being an entrepreneur is all about, “without risk there is no reward,” is what they say, I feel like out without risk we’re not living. Taking a risk is like having faith, it’s like giving someone a chance, it’s like doing something for the first time, it’s like falling in love, It’s like trusting , it’s like waking up and getting out of bed every day, I say all the things to say you can’t live life without taking risk, It’s a matter of how big of a risk you’re willing to take in your most uncomfortable or Vulnerable time.
In my career I have done nothing but take risk sometimes too much risk and sometimes not enough, but at the end of the day I’m willing to risk it all to succeed, to provide for my family, to be happy. Taking a risk has helped me succeed in many ways. I am constantly paying for pop-up shops not knowing if there will be customers or the customers that I do show up I’ll even purchased from me. I put myself and my designs on the runway not knowing if anyone is going to like them. I risked my saving to start a brand that I didn’t know if anyone Was going to support. I pursued a career I never thought of having or was even sure I was good at. Taking a risk is what my brand is built on. EGO would never exist if I did take the risk.
If you ask me I’m taking a risk right now.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am So many things in this one body of mine not even I understand how I do it all. I am a designer, model, business owner, creative Director, spokes person, actress, influencer, I guess what I guess that’s why they shortened it by just saying entrepreneur lol If you wanna know what sets me apart from others.. “ME,” Me just being who I am and living the life I’m living and have lived and survive through it I’ve lived through I’m already standing out I’m already shining already beat the odds I’m already breaking barriers and changing lives.
I never took the time to sit back and think about all the things I’ve done to really know what I’m most proud of but I think that I’m actually proud of that I’m proud that I have done so many things that I can’t even remember so proud of myself for completing missions and completing anything I say I’m going to do, for so long I Procrastinated and didn’t really believe in myself and didn’t know anyone else believed in me. I settled for what was safe.
Getting here was definitely a piece of cake . … if it was made of CEMENT. My life was is crazy and by crazy I mean HORRIBLE. I was kidnapped from my mom as an infant and was reunited with her at 23 years old, so let’s start there. During my childhood years I was in a very abuse house hold, (physically, Mentally emotionally and sexually) I was also in and out of the system and was never adopted. I met my birth family after my brother found me on FB when I was 23 and then a few years later I found my birth farther in the yellow pages. At the Time I was living in Atlanta then Alabama. I have since now moved to Los Angeles California been here three years now to be with my family both my birth mother and birth father and 16 siblings live here in California. It’s been amazing.
Surviving the life I lived was definitely not something I thought would happen. I never seen my self making it to 25 at all. Along the way I stayed prayed up and kept my faith without me having God at the time I would have gave up. As many times as I have gave up, I never not once believed that I would not get through it eventually. I just never knew how long the bad times would last.
My life has always been up and down. Good times and bad times. But no matter what I always learned something. I learned so much from my past. It taught me strength, patience, understanding, also taught me who I wanted to be and who I didn’t want to be. I was either going to be a product of my environment or I was going to creat my own environment to thrive in.
i want people to know that nothing has come easy, especially happiness and love. So when you see me happy now, just know I deserve it, it’s my time . I built my brand in search of something to love and be proud of. It’s called E.G.O. Energy Gifts Opportunities I believe the energy you give in life is the energy you receive.
My brand is full of designs for the whole family mom, dad and the kids. Clothes, shoes ,purses, and bags, hats and fedoras. I custom make everything and it’s all one of a kind so no one will be as fly as you . You can find my brand on IG & FB. My site is
And coming to a closer near you
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Dionne Leslie
I Dedicate my shout out to you you are an amazing woman, and you have come such a long way. your growth and your ability to work non stop, and forgive and help others every single day, you take the risk everyday with strangers everyday without hesitation, inspires me to take the risk I take every day. I watch you take a risk and work with the homeless and the mentally ill on skiid Row and I am amazed I never understood what it would took to really work on skid Row in Los Angeles and you do it without fear without question without anyone asking you to. You have started your own mission you have started your own nonprofit and you have dedicated your life to helping the mentally ill and homeless and I couldn’t think of anyone else that I would want to shout out other than you my mom. What an inspiration you are to me and the rest of world
Instagram: @iamsjacquis / @energygiftsopportunities
Facebook: @iamsjacquis / @energygiftsopportunities
Image Credits
@ArnoldShoots (army pants pic) @anerrickmanagement ( group pic ) @ashanti_photography_20 ( bikini ) @derrickrodgersphotography ( headshot)