How did you come up with the idea for your business?

Our community is comprised of some absolutely brilliant entrepreneurs and so we asked a few of them to tell us the story of how they came up with the ideas for their business.
I started my yoga practice back in the early 2000’s, when I was in graduate school. I wanted to find an alternative to working out in the gym and a friend recommended hot yoga. For almost all of the classes that I attended, I was the only person of color in the room among the other students and the teacher. Finding a welcoming and diverse yoga studio was extremely rare. There were many times that I felt invisible with very little interaction from anyone, but I continued to go because I saw physical and mental health benefits from the practice. Read more>>
From an early age, my awareness of how people viewed situations involving mental health was perceptive. Feelings ranged from embarrassment to stereotypes, to stigma, to “What does it say about me if someone in my family has a mental health challenge.” These thoughts reinforced the concept of keeping secrets, and preserving false notions. As an Licensed Psychotherapist, conversations surrounding cognitive behavior, emotional stressors, and coping skills were not being associated with or connected to mental health and that was a paradigm I wanted to shift. Read more>>
Every year, I co-host a holiday party with close friends from college. In December 2019, I wanted to shake up our usual party structure of eating, drinking and playing classic board games. I grabbed a few notecards and brainstormed 20 questions specific to our shared college experience. After a few hours of nostalgia-filled conversations and drinking, my best friend pulled me to the side and said, “You should make this into a card game.” This became the foundation of the nine categories and 100 questions and prompts featured in PO’ UP! Card Game. Read more>>
As a problem solver by nature and profession, I was frustrated with the lack of results I had observed from using the standard approach found within most mandated education curriculums. After questioning stakeholders in my own community including judges, prosecutors, probation officers as well as the participants themselves, it became clear to me that the missing link was the context in which we are asking participants to change their behaviors. That context is community – the American community. Read more>>
Out of my experiences with womanhood and motherhood, I birthed HoneyDew’s Treasures. Many women expressed their concerns about feeling alone as mothers, and I wanted to create a safe space for them to feel heard and validated. My goal is to deeply engage in issues concerning women by providing support, healing, encouragement, empowerment, and love. Read more>>
The idea of my business came through prayer. I always had a desire to work with the elderly and I have had 22 years of experience with working with the Development Disabled so helping and taking care of people was a part of my life. I have the compassion and desire for taking care of those that is need so I believe that the Lord put that all together for me to start not only a business but ministry. The name Blessed Hands came from a prophesy that was prophesied to me years ago about healing was in my hands so my business was not only be a business of helping others but also a business of Healing . Read more>>
In 2015 I was limited on funds and decided to make coworkers beaded bracelets as Christmas gifts. As time progressed, I created bracelets for myself, and co-workers and friends would inquire about purchasing them. For years I have felt unfulfilled and unhappy at the jobs I would acquire. I always felt I was meant to do more and had a greater calling. I have always known I wanted to be of service to other however was stuck in terms of how to do so. I was also going through a spiritual journey. Trying to figure out who I was, what my purpose was, what my next steps should be and how to find balance in my life. I have always felt connected to the spiritual realm. I remember one day thinking if I could make bracelets, sell spiritual products and be of help and encourage others that would be awesome. Read more>>