We asked some of the city’s most brilliant and creative minds to tell us about the most difficult decision they’ve had to make.

Ebony Sharee | Luxury Utility Vendor

One of the most difficult decisions I’ve had to make to date I’d say is having to leave my family to pursue my purpose. Being connected to your support system is life giving but when that disconnect happens, it’s like a new set of individuals have to step in to support you spiritually, emotionally and help you grow. Where you were originally in a cocoon, you sometimes need a new group of “breeders” to help you fly. That’s where I feel like I’m at in this season of my life. Family is everything but they aren’t always the ones that will be responsible for ushering you into your calling in life. There are others that will assist you in different phases to fulfill that. Read more>>

Princess Elmore | Actress and Host of a Cooking Show For Harlequins Books and Cooks

The most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make was when I decided to quit my Job as a VP at a Financial Institution to pursue a Full time career in Acting/ Entertainment industry. Read more>>

Shanell Williams | Makeup Artist ( MUA )

The most difficult decision I ever had to make was choosing my job over my business. I was working as a pharmacy technician & was working 11hrs a day 4 days a week . I was literally working all day 11am-10pm I didn’t have time for anything ! I had customers that would text me asking am I available for makeup but would have to turn them down cause of my job ! One day I was like “ forget that I’m bout to start accepting my appointments “ & that’s exactly what I did ! Lol I was working from home as a pharmacy tech so I learned how to maneuver around it. I was doing makeup while still on the clock Lol. My clientele still wasn’t up till the point I wanted to quit my job ! So ofc I chose my job over makeup cause that’s where the real money was coming from. Read more>>

Kailtan Long | Master Floral Designer

The most difficult decision that I have ever had to make would be choosing to make the jump from everything I’ve ever know to something total brand new. I always had the mindset that I would become a veterinarian and own my own animal hospital. I started working at a local vet hospital in 10th grade and remained there for the next 7 years. The tough decision came when my husband and I became pregnant with our first child!! I couldn’t handle the very demanding work load at the vet hospital anymore and a position came available at the local flower so I made the jump! That was the most rewarding, tough decision I’ve ever made. After a year of working there I ended up buying the buisness from the previous owner. Read more>>