A host of factors, developments, and dynamics have made most industries more competitive than ever. As a result so many of us wonder whether there is still such a thing as work-life balance. We reached out to the community to hear perspectives on finding the right balance.

Shani Godwin | CEO of Communique and Founder of Joy Economics

Work- life balance is very important to me. At a certain point, if you’re working, and not resting and refueling, you’re not really getting a lot of fruitful work done. You’re just being busy. Another way I like to say this—and this could be a pretty neat angle for anyone to approach their craft with—is, “Busyness doesn’t mean you’re a productive business.” When you’re doing what you’re made to do, you just do it more effortlessly. It takes a lot less energy, therefore leading to less stress, and that’s part of the secret to how I’m able to do so many things and still have time for family, friends, traveling and puppies. If you put it all on a whiteboard, I shouldn’t have any bandwidth, but I’m always operating in my gifts, and the Bible says, “Your gifts will make room for you” (Proverbs 18:16). Read more>>

Akilah Thompkins-Robinson | SEO Strategist and Tech Founder

I don’t believe there is work-life balance, instead, I think of it as work-life management. There will never be a perfect balance but instead focusing on how you manage the competing priorities in your life is the key. This become really important over my years in business and creating a business that worked with me, not just me working for it. When I first started my business I was single, had no kids, and working on the side of my 9-5. At that time, I could work uninterrupted for hours on client projects and I was able to take on a lot more client done-for-you work. Read more>>

Aashima Verma | Marketing & Advertising Specialist

When I started out, I used to think that balance is a myth. When I was doing my post graduate studies, I pursued a Co-Op, a digital marketing job and I was also volunteering with the local government for their Clean & Green initiatives along with my school. I believe that it’s important to hustle in the beginning of your career. As Elaine Welteroth puts it, “there is hustle and there is flow. You can’t have one without the other.” Once I graduated, I got a full-time job with a beauty franchise as a Marketing Specialist. Along with my job, I also ran my business on the side. In fact, I used to be a proud member of the 5AM club. I worked on my day job from 7 to 3 and worked on my business for the rest of the time. Read more>>

Alionna Alston | Boutique Owner

I truly believe that becoming a mom helped me balance my work and home life. After Rebranding my business once I had my son I realized I had to get on a schedule if I really wanted to make this work. Setting a daily routine helped this become a lifestyle for me. I had to look at my business as my other baby. Just like my son had feeding time, nap time,etc. My business had to run on the same schedule every day at 6 am 12pm -2pm and 8pm I had to be online posting and liking pictures creating interactions with followers. Before 4pm all my orders need to be backed and ready to drop off. The schedule also helped me maintain consistency which a lot of businesses lack and end up failing. Read more>>

Ola Kimble | Productivity & Goal Setting Coach

As a wife, mother, full-time corporate professional and entrepreneur, when it comes to work-life balance, I look for ways to have work-life harmony. There are some seasons where work has to be the priority and others where life must be my full focus. After making the decision to be committed to building my business, my idea of balance has definitely changed in how I prioritize my attention, what I choose to entertain, and who I spend my time with. In short, I have become relentless with my time, energy, and attention. One thing that helps me with balance/harmony is establishing routines that include my non-negotiables which ground me. In order for me to produce with my best effort, I have to make sure I am well prepared and I do that with my routines. Read more>>

Jennifer Nakfoor | Creator/Business Owner/ Mother

I got a job right out of high school while I attended college; That experience taught me early on about balancing the many roles I played in my life. Even now as I run two businesses and raise two kids, I use the techniques I learned to maintain that balance. Of course it’s very different since I play more roles now, but I see balance as the foundation of keeping peace and positivity in my life. It’s a necessity for me. Keeping balance in my life now means using a planner, for everything!! Making a list of priorities and being adaptable if that list changes. Setting schedules and making those routine. I get up at 4:45AM to focus on personal and professional goals so my evenings can be spent with my family. Read more>>

Marty Arnold | COO 6x entertainment

The work / life balance is the key to any successful person whether it’s running a mom and pop, Fortune 500 or the guy in the mailroom. Once you pursue whatever it is in life you have a passion for or just making a living you must reward yourself with the fruits of your labor making your sweat all worthwhile. For me personally I have been known to be a workaholic being rewarded by “Time Served’ in a sense but as I got older I realized there was more to life than wanting more / getting more …there was life itself, family, just being grateful and enjoying the fruits of my labor with others ” Now That’s Rewarding” Read more>>