We love rebels and people who challenge the status quo, conventional wisdom and mainstream narratives and so we asked some really bright folks to tell us about one piece of conventional advice they disagree with.

Jarren Mebane | Actor & Digital Marketing Expert

Good things come to those who wait I believe that patience is the key to many obstacles in life but it never stands alone. Patience comes in to play once you have done everything humanly possible to ensure your success and you are now waiting on your seeds to grow. In my career fields patience is preached because there is almost no control in many outcomes or so it seems. Read more>>

Ebony Evaughn | Business Strategist

It really frustrates me whenever I hear entrepreneurs say consistency is key. While I agree you have to show up for your brand every day. It takes more than just consistency. You can consistently put out bad content or consistently produce poor quality products and service but that’s not going to lead to success. I think strategy is more important than anything else. Read more>>

Lourdes Stephanie | Tattoo Artist & Visual Artist

A conventional advice that I disagree with is the whole traditional belief that if you don’t stay in school, go to college and get a degree you won’t reach any success in life. This has to be the biggest advice that I could never connect with. I’ve always felt that this advice has crushed so many creative and talented souls true dreams. It’s a belief that’s been installed into our parents that is then passed on and pressured onto so many future potentially successful Artist/Creatives. Read more>>

Ann-Marie Davy | Wood Whisperer, Jewelry Designer, & Laser Artist

As a visual artist, though my predominant art form is wearable, one piece of advice that resounds in my mind as is create, is that I am responsible for being a historical documentarian of sorts. Black Artists in particular are supposed to document our trials and tribulations as people, the traumas we face, and the challenges of this world. I was told that “this is what sells and “you have to be the voice of the people”. This assumes that “the people” are not multifaceted and want to be incessantly surrounded by trauma, sadness, and negativity. Read more>>

Tachen (Tekken) Tutdeal | Comedian, Actor, Entertainer, Musical Artist, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur

One piece of advice that did not resonate with me was the suggestion that I limit my enthusiasm to a single field. As if that were the determining factor in my success. I found that I am a complex individual. The objective was to surround myself with entrepreneurs who motivated me and could be able to assist me in launching my entertainment career. When I moved to Atlanta, I had only a few hundred committed fans, but I was able to dramatically increase organically over the next two years. My engagement levels have improved to between 45% and 50%, and my following has climbed by 75%. Read more>>

Natriece Spicer | Authorpreneur, Owner of The Inspired Life

“Follow The Rules,” they say. But it’s never quite worked out the way they said it would. As someone who is a multi-learner, visionary dreamer, and creative at heart, the rules have always had a purpose, but they have not always been effective. Life has taught me that living this is very different from merely existing. Some of us get caught up in the web of struggle because we conform to others’ opinions of what we need to do and become successful, valuable, or live well. Read more>>