Taking Risk is essential, but how much, when and why? Taking risks effectively is as much of an art as it is a science and we’ve asked some of the brightest folks in the community to tell us about how they think about risk taking.

Austin Peete | Founder + Art Director

Taking risks is necessary. By making space for new opportunities, I can recognize more of what’s actually required to achieve anything beyond the ideas I begin with. Read more>>

Crystal C Martin- Johnson | Blogger & Content Creator

Risk taking is essential to growth, in my opinion. I believe that risks were designed to push us past our fears. If we don’t move past the fear, the risk remains and our full potential remains stagnant. A risk is a possibility that something bad could happen, it doesn’t mean that something bad will happen! Read more>>

Luisa Casas | General Contractor

Risk-taking has been a crucial aspect of my personal and professional growth. It has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. It has made me explored new opportunities and experiences. It has helped me build my confidence and self belief as well as learn from failures. I see risk as an exciting opportunity. I rely on risk taking to pioneer new ideas and solutions. Read more>>

Sam Brazenas | Solutions Specialist

When most people hear the word ‘risk’ they tend to think only of the big things: changing careers, moving overseas, etc. When I hear it, I think about the small stuff—the risks I take every day maneuvering through the unknown. What I realized in my professional journey is that most people are afraid of working outside of their comfort zone or vocalizing their ideas. Read more>>

Victoria Pirtle | Homemade Candle Crafter & Content Creator

I think of risks as a chance to take on a new challenge. Being willing to put in effortless amount of work, not everyone is capable of doing so. In fact, if I didn’t take a risk I wouldn’t be here in Atlanta today pursuing my candle crafting dream. Read more>>

Malik Corleone | Musician/Artist

Risk equals reward. Those who play it safe don’t experience all the benefits of life. You have to take risks to be successful, especially when chasing dreams. Taking risks got me to where I am today and I still have to take more risks if I want to continue elevating. Read more>>

Sean Foote | Founder & CEO of Legacy Suite

Risk-taking has been a fundamental part of my journey. It’s about embracing the unknown and facing challenges head-on. When I started Legacy Suite, digital legacy planning was a relatively new concept. There was no clear path or guarantee of success, but I saw a critical need and decided to fill it. Read more>>

Nikki Singh | Makeup Artist & Content Creator

Risk taking is essential for success in any form. In the world of artistry, the more risk taken, the more memorable and unforgettable the experience is. When I take risks in my career, it gives my clients the wow factor. Read more>>

Brandon Lovelace | Owner/Founder Of BSellsHeat

Life is undoubtedly all about risk and without it you’re not truly living life. Whether we acknowledge it or not; we take risks everyday from the time we wake up until to the time we go to bed. Taking risks has allowed to me to reach heights in my life that I’d never have otherwise reached. Read more>>

Anjhari Matthews | Spiritual Seeker & Nurse Practitioner

“Risk-taking for me isn’t just about being willing to take a chance; it’s rooted in having faith in what I believe God has planted within me. It’s about letting go of complacency, trusting the process, and leaving the outcomes in God’s hands. This mindset has been pivotal in both my life and career. Read more>>

Nicole Foley | Brand + Web Designer and Digital Marketer

Honestly, diving into risks is a huge part of why I’m even in business. Every big move, from launching my own brand to choosing the kind of clients I work with, has been about stepping out of the comfort zone and into the ‘what if.’ It’s the ‘what if’ that fuels innovation and pushes boundaries. Read more>>

Lashay B | On air personality, DJ and philanthropist

Taking risks, head on, even when scared has gotten me to the where I am. Being fearless is scary but I prepare and over prepare so when those curve balls come and can pivot and move. Trying and being fearful has lead to a lot of success all while still be humble. Read more>>

Dara Walker | Owner, Bel-Air Cosmetics

I think of risks as exciting and Interesting. I do not have a fearful thought process behind taking risks because I walk with God’s guidance. He would not lead me down a path he hasn’t walked down himself and lived through. I took a gigantic risk starting my business with no plan just pure faith and ambition. Read more>>

Douglas and Dewey McGeoch | Comedy Drag Duo

Douglas and I thrive on taking risks. Experience has shown us that there is a payoff when you possess a willingness to fail. We understand that not everything we create will resonate with our audiences, but we know that we will learn something valuable in the process, even if the idea “fails,” and that we will walk away with information that we did not have before. Read more>>

Abbie Biddle | Innovative Partnerships Lead at the Savannah College of Art and Design

By conventional definition, risk implies the potential for loss. However, by reframing risk as the prospect of learning, each step becomes an opportunity rather than a mere chance for failure. Embracing this mindset has enabled me to uncover numerous possibilities simply by daring to explore them. Read more>>

Claire Lefort | Actor, Director, & Intimacy Professional-in-Training

When I first started out in acting, I was terrified about getting “it” wrong. “It” meaning everything to do with being an artist. I carried so much fear in the things I couldn’t control, and that fear dictated me throughout my life and work. Read more>>

Kenya Bannister Dennis Leid | Creators of Doer Apparel & Doer Productions

Risk taking has played a primary role in our lives, hence our brand, Doer. A Doer is someone who thrives off of their ability to put what’s in their head into their hands. That statement is deeply rooted in taking risks. Naturally, some of our wildest dreams can 1. be intimidating to pursue or 2. seem unattainable and so far out of our reach. Read more>>

Matthew Armstrong | Recent Master’s Graduate

Personally, I believe that everybody is a risk-taker, as every decision that we make is technically a risk. The risk is always what you could be missing out on by making that decision. Read more>>