Meet Zana Prator | Braider & Sisterlocks Trainee

We had the good fortune of connecting with Zana Prator and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Zana, is there a quote or affirmation that’s meaningful to you?
My favorite quote is the quote I use for my braiding business. “Life isn’t perfect but your braids can be” I remember going through a tough time in my life in 2020. I didn’t know how to live or even be normal. The one thing that brought light to my life was braiding. The one quote that always came to mind was “Life isn’t perfect.” When life throws you lemons you make lemonade. So now when I feel like the world is against me I remind myself “Life isn’t perfect.” I took that quote and added it to my braiding business as a constant reminder to myself.
What should our readers know about your business?
I am a self taught braider. I started braiding full-time when I was a college student. I posted a braid special and my inbox went crazy with clients. Every since then I’ve been braiding. I am proud to have gotten this far in my business. Getting to where I am today took a lot of sacrifices, compromise, hard-word and dedication. It definitely was not an easy task. Some nights I would only get 2-4 hours of sleep but that’s apart of the dedication I have to my business. Overcoming those challenges were extremely hard but I have a very strong support system that reminds me to keep going, it will all pay off one day. Some of the major lessons i learned is to take a break. I will work, work, work myself to death. If i dont remind myself to take a break, my body lets me know when it is time to take a break!!! Taking a break is very essential to my life now. I also learned how much excellent customer service plays a big part in your business. You can have the best prices, best work, etc, but if you don’t have great customer service you will eventually lose clients/customers. I have the biggest heart and best prices on the South side of Atlanta and great quality to work. Customer service is also very great! I treat all of my clients like they are family. I have a special bond with all of my clients. Majority of my clients have been with me since I started and I am forever grateful for them. They keep me going.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Special thanks to all my family and friends who has helped me along my journey, rather it was listening to me vent, cry, ideas. or even helping me with my kids. My kids keep me afloat. As a MOMpreneur you make sacrifices. Big thanks to my babies, they are always understanding when I have to work. They also let me know when it’s time to take a break LOL! My support system is so big and strong, I am grateful for everyone in my circle.
Other: Zana Prator 470-259-2560