Meet Paula Nosworthy: Minister & Certified Life Coach

We had the good fortune of connecting with Paula Nosworthy and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Paula, what matters most to you?
Being authentically who we’ve been created to be by God is one of the values that matters the most to me. We live in a world that portrays the message that our life goal should be to reach the standards that someone else has set. Whether it is a magazine article or a television commercial, we are constantly seeing messages telling us what is considered to be beautiful or acceptable in the eyes of another person. Once I discovered my God-given identity, I realized that there is no one else who is made like me. I was crafted as a one of a kind original with a specific purpose and that fact holds true for each and every person. The only way to truly find the purpose of a thing is to go to the one who created it. If I want to know the intricacies of how a Toyota is made, I cannot go to Honda expecting them to tell me because they didn’t draw the blueprint. I have to go to Toyota, I have to go to the source to understand every detail of the car and its’ purpose. Once we discover who we are in God, the Creator, and we live life being authentic to who we’ve created to be, that is where we find purpose.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I am a Certified Life Coach, Minister, Author, and Founder of Beautifully Made LLC which is a ministry dedicated to serving women and young girls. Beautifully Made started out as a YouTube channel in 2013 and has now expanded to life coaching services and resources including my first published book, Beautiful Arise. Although I started my ministry in 2013, at the time, I was not sure of my purpose and I struggled with depression and low self-esteem because of it. In the latter part of 2014, I found myself in the darkest place that I had ever been in and I made the decision to fully surrender all of my broken pieces over to God so that I could be whole. My journey over the past six years has been what has set the foundation for Beautifully Made and my brand. My passion is to teach women how to transition from just being healed to experiencing wholeness. Simply put, I help women heal. To express the journey to wholeness, I always use the visual of climbing out of a pit. When you’re climbing out of a pit, it’s not going to be pretty. There are things that you are going to uncover that you may not want to deal with and other things that may try to get in your way that you have to fight against. It’s a messy process but as you continue on, you will eventually get out of what you’ve been in. This is what healing to wholeness is all about for me and my heart is to help women come out of their pit so that they can experience true freedom and wholeness. I want the world to know that healing is about time, but wholeness is about perspective.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Wow, where do I begin? I could name quite a few people and even experiences that have helped shaped who I am today. I am truly grateful for every person that’s been used to pour into me and the experiences that I’ve been able to grow from. One person that comes to mind is my grandfather, Ishmael. Growing up, I remember my grandfather being completely dedicated to his purpose. He was heavily involved in church and living out his purpose. I have never heard him complain about anything and although his life looks very different now, his faith is still solid and it encourages me more than I can express.
Instagram: @itsbeautifullymade
Facebook: Paula Nosworthy
Youtube: Paula Nosworthy
Image Credits
Abigail Christal Studios