Meet Natasha Powell | Creative & Financial Aid Consultant

We had the good fortune of connecting with Natasha Powell and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Natasha, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
Simply, I didn’t pursue a creative career. My creative career, found me. I was busy, knee deep and fully committed in building my first startup FindAid4Me. I enjoyed helping my clients negotiate their award letters (Yes! Award Letters are negotiable), find money for college and lower their out-of-pocket costs. This is what I was good at, have a passion for and it is my calling. During the Pandemic, I was able to grow FindAid4Me into a reputable online company. However, a wrench was thrown into my one-dimensional view of greatness. There was so much more I could offer. A fire ignighted and something magical began to expose itself within my being and environment.
The Pursuit of Greatness
I have always been a writer. I realized through my writing, I could connect with God, my thoughts, center myself, and use my words to reach the minds and hearts of people. Somehow, I expressed myself better through my words. My journey to answer the question ”who am I?” is leading me to some incredible places. Places that were unknown and locked away deep in my soul. I was numb to my gifts and what was inside of me. I knew what I was good at, but I never considered it a gift, just a way to survive. Truly, I didn’t believe it was a gift. I believed everyone could do it… or could be me. Some of that is true, but in their own way. We all have a gift that is so unique that only the person who possesses it, owns it. Think of it this way, your gift is as unique as your fingerprint. Everyone has fingers… everyone has fingerprints, but they are all uniquely specific to its beholder. Your specific, particular gift can be used to help someone, inspire them, encourage and empower them. Show them the light and love that you have within yourself. My journey led to these self-discoveries and from it unlocked the unknown. Even better, gave me the confidence to move past my fear and self-doubt and gave me the courage to pursue my desires. The sky doesn’t feel like the limit anymore. Knowing that whatever life I want to live, I can create. I CAN do what I want to do and survive how I want to survive in this relentless, unyielding world. We all have the essence of God within us. Meaning, we all are CREATORS. My journey is allowing me to connect with God in the most intimate way. If you listen quietly, you can see God’s hand in everything and everyone. And because of the love he has for me, I’m fearless. That doesn’t mean that I’m without fear. As a wise person once said, “fear just means you have common sense”. However, your ability to embrace it, then conquer it, then move past it… makes you fearless. Therefore, I am FEARLESS in the pursuit of my gifts. This ability allows you to welcome and flow with what comes. As my self-love, self-worth, inner Bad Bitch, journey started manifesting, I became encouraged and empowered to pursue my greatness further.
How My Gift Found Me
During the summer of 2021, still heavy on the pandemic and still trying to figure out this new “normal”, a friend suggested that I write a book of poetry. She is a very talented illustrator and was currently on her own path to unlocking her greatness as well. It took us about 3 months of hard work before my first book “An Empath’s Time Capsule: A Poetry Collection of Inspiration for Journaling” was published in September 2021. It was glorious and one of my proudest accomplishments. Since I was a self-published author, it only felt right to form a company that would allow me to sell my book. Therefore, I created NP Designs & Publications, my second fully functional startup.
This book, this business has taken on a life of its own. Building FindAid4Me took over 10 years before it manifested into reality. NP Designs & Publications took a year. I was suddenly receiving support from strangers in the form of opportunities, feedback, and encouragement. However, leading back to manifesting, this was something that I would pray about and ask God to provide me when writing in my journal, and guess what he did. From this support, I received funding for my startups, mentorship, and a community filled with entrepreneurs, creatives, and believers in me, my journey, and my startups.
When I asked the Universe “Who Am I?” and opened myself to receive the answers back, it got scary to say the least, it becomes overwhelming as now you have to believe in your own self-worth to receive it and your ability to make it prosper. Embracing your greatness is an internal journey within yourself. That only you can do and achieve. While witnessing God’s hand in everything, I found myself asking “Why me?” But I always follow-up with this question “Why NOT Me?”
“I just want to Do Me… For Me… By Me”. – @NP_Designs21
Who is NP Designs & Publications?
Now that I am in the season of answers to my “Who Am I?” question. I have discovered that I am creative, I am intuitive. I am a motivator. I am a trailblazer, I inspire. I am a Change Agent. I am wonderfully made by God, and I am a creator. I have witnessed the effect my gifts have on people. I created NP Designs & Publications as a creative way to merge my passions and gifts into something that can help uplift our society in these difficult and trying times. I provide a safe space for people to come to for inspiration, guidance, and positive affirming messaging that will help them overcome life’s challenges. I want people to consider my company as a refuge for self-help. I promote mental, spiritual and self-love wellness through my creative works. I want to use this space to offer support, inspiration and motivation to face life. If you’re looking for inspiration and healing messaging or you are looking for humanity in art, then I’m for you!
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My art and brand is still developing. My business is so new that I have received opportunities before it was even fully developed. The style, its identity has not fully formed yet. Remember, this gift found me. To be honest, I am completely in the dark as to where this is going or honestly my next steps. However, through prayer I have found peace and comfort in this time of darkness and unknowing. But what I do know is that it’s ok not to have all the answers yet. My art will unfold how it needs to unfold. I am afraid, yet I still persevere. Faith in God and myself has become my home.
As of right now, we are all figuring this thing called life out. However, through the trials and tribulations of living on this earth, lead with your heart, lead with love. You have the ability to create the life you want, no matter your circumstances. It is all up to you.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Summer time in ATL is the best. However, due to the pandemic, I wouldn’t be outside quite like that yet. Nevertheless, a lot of open air spots. So definitely the Beltline. Ponce City Market Rooftop for some fun and games, but only at night because it be waaay too hot.
Since I am a Mom, it would have to be kid friendly things, so definitely hit up the splash pad downtown followed by Atlantic Station for some good atmosphere and an adult beverage.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to Shoutout the following:
Eric Powell- Thank you for your unconditional support and believing in me. Also getting my book out in the community
Co.Starters Program with Create Birmingham – Thank you for providing the tools, mentorship, and resources to start my business. This is the best program to be in if you have an idea to start a business and would like to see it go into fruition. They help you every step of the way.
Yudelka “DeeDee” Salcedo – My illustrator for “An Empath’s Time Capsule” thank you for bringing my vision to life.
Website: https://findaid4me.
Instagram: np_designs21 & FindAid4Me
Facebook: https://www.
Image Credits
Gladys Paul