Meet Madi Kreates | Artist & Mental Health Advocate

Hi Madi, how do you think about risk?
Life is scary and so is living. Taking risks is a huge part of getting where you want to be in life. If you live your life in fear, you hold yourself back from doing the things you really want to do. I spent a lot of my life quiet and trying to stay in the background. I felt like I took up too much space. I felt like if I spoke up or out, that someone would quickly shut me down. One day I finally decided I didn’t want to care about what anyone else thought or felt about me or my work. I realized that what I had to say was important and if someone didn’t like or enjoy it, that it is okay because if at least one person resonated with my work, then that was all I needed to change the world. So I took the risk to continuously put myself out there. If I messed up on a poem, I would try again.. If I didn’t get much interaction at an art show, I would do another one. If someone didn’t want to talk about mental health or why I started my advocacy or business, I would talk to someone else about it. I continuously decided to take the risk of putting myself out there even if it didn’t always work. Even if I was shut down, even if someone didn’t listen, I still made my way. I realized if I didn’t take the risk and make a way for myself, I would be stuck as the person too scared to speak out, too scared to make that change and make a difference. I didn’t want to be that person anymore. Taking risks and putting myself out there over and over again is what made the difference in not only my life but my career as well.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
For me, life has always been art but for a long while I got really lost. Life hit me hard. From experiencing abuse at home, not feeling safe at school, and just trying to find my way as a young girl, I didn’t know how to cope. I originally threw myself into academics and extra curriculars. I was doing everything I could to push the intense feelings I had, as far away as possible. In turn, I was hurting myself, in a multitude of ways, but especially physically. When I first turned to art as a means of salvation, I was trying to find a way to use all the negative, pent up energy I had inside that I wanted to inflict on myself into another healthier avenue. When my parents first told my sisters and I they were getting divorced, it didn’t come as a shock to us, but it did hurt me a lot. My best friend, Brittanie (may she rest peacefully), suggested that we use some of the art stuff my dad had in the garage. We made a whole girls day of it, painting and chatting about what was going on in our lives. It was then, when I realized how cathartic it felt to use the negative feelings I was experiencing and put them into art as well as just talking about my mental health. That’s when I realized I wanted to keep doing this- creating art, instead of hurting myself.
When I started sharing my work, people always asked me what inspired a piece, or what was I thinking when I made a certain piece… At first, I didn’t know how to tell people I really just wanted to hurt myself so I did what I wanted to do to myself on a canvas.
It is scary to be vulnerable because you never know how people are going to react to you saying something like that. I’m sure a few people thought I was crazy, but I had to constantly tell myself that even if it made people uncomfortable in the beginning, that someone I said it to would silently relate. It was not easy and quite frankly, it was a very scary thing to tell people, but I felt like I absolutely had to say something. If I didn’t start the conversation, who would? Being depressed and experiencing struggles with my mental health and negative coping mechanisms was not new to me, and early on I had learned I wasn’t alone. I felt like I had this opportunity to start the conversation and to start breaking the stigma that surrounded mental health. So I’ll continue to put myself out there and start those conversations because you never know who it’ll help.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would definitely recommend spots like the Beltline and Ponce City Market! Good eats, good drinks and a great view when you’re walking! I also love little 5 points. If you want an artsy vibe, that is the spot to go. There you will see the most creative people around, people on the street with their art and clothing, cute little boutiques, all kinds of stuff. Don’t forget to hit up Piedmont park, there will be so many people just hanging out and enjoying the vibe. You will almost always hear some awesome music and you might accidentally find a concert or festival happening out there!
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My shoutout goes to my family. When I started showing more serious interest in creating art and then furthering myself by displaying at art shows and performing my spoken word, my family did not hesitate to support me. They actually are the whole reason I go by Madi Kreates with a K. My last name is Kendrick, and I am constantly inspired by my Kendrick Family. From my Grandmother who can dive into beautiful paints, my Grandfather who drew avidly, who still is using his hands to create every day. To my uncle Josh, who has an amazing talent with a pen and pencil, and my Father, who I grew up watching doodle and draw on everything, who builds beautiful works of art out of wood and other materials.. Even my older sister Geanna, who uses her creative mind to make women feel beautiful, and my younger sister Trinity, who upcycles clothing, and sews original pieces to give a unique perspective on fashion, style, and making yourself feel confident and beautiful in what you are wearing.. I know it hasn’t always been easy, and I haven’t always been easy, but their unwavering love and support not only constantly inspires me, but pushes me through every tough moment in my life.
So shoutout to the Kendrick Family, without you, I am not me. I love you with everything in me!!
Youtube: madikreates
Image Credits
@dopesimag @mannificentdesign