How did you come up with the idea for your business?

Sometimes the best way to understand a business is to go back to very beginning. We asked entrepreneurs how they came up with the idea for their business and have shared some of those responses below.
Initially, I was a braider. As a young girl, I’d braid hair at school, in my neighborhood, and anywhere I could. Once I decided to attend Paul Mitchell, I developed a love for coloring and natural hair. That love turned into a desire to acquire my own salon so that I could do what I love while supplying many beautiful women with hair care and styling. As I know, every woman loves to feel beautiful. Read more>>
I get asked this question all the time. To be honest, it turned into a small business before I even realized what was happening! I picked up lettering as a fun hobby and absolutely fell in love with it. I began making small things for fun – cards and envelopes, teacher gifts – and several people told me I should try to sell them. I opened up an Etsy shop, spent a short exhausting period of time making lettered prints as “end of school year” presents, and then it was over. Read more>>
My passion for the creative world of arts has led me in many different directions over the years. In 2018, I had a epiphany, vision to start designing and creating notebooks, journals and planners. This was sparked through my own personal battle with anxiety and depression. Read more>>
Our idea for Capture Thirteen in many ways fell into our laps! I had a wedding coming up and was looking for a second shooter, so I reached out to Alison. Alison came and helped me with the wedding and our workflow that day was seamless. It was as if we had always been shooting together. We left that evening jokingly saying we should always photograph weddings together! Read more>>
I have always lived in the wedding business since a little kid, my mom is a Bride Design, so I grow up watching the beautiful Brides getting dress, and all makeup/hair done for they big days, and that made me feel so special! Be part of a big dream, a historical moment in someone’s life! So when I moved to the USA, I missed that felling, be part of something, so I wanted to feel that again I decided to start working with my 2 passions makeup and weddings! Read more>>
My wellness business, Bless The Body, was given to me around 2015 when I lived in Washington DC. I had about a year of instructor experience when God shared His heart with me and the specific role of Bless the Body. At the time, I had attempted to pre-maturely execute it, not realizing that the business would be for a future time period. Last year, I officially launched Bless the Body’s first subsidiary wellness community, The Millennial Mompreneur- a community focused on growth as stewards of self through exercise, family and entrepreneurship. Read more>>
I own a self-defense business. I came up with the idea for this business because I had a small child at the time and my worst fear was something happening to my child and me not being able to protect her. My vision for this company emerged because the cases of human trafficking were starting to rise and become more noticed, and I wanted to start a business that would mean something….help someone…make a difference! Read more>>
I worked for a nonprofit organization specializing in Career Explorations for those who were nonviolent ex-offenders, I assisted them with education and job training which included helping to complete resumes and cover letters. Even though these individuals were considered underserved and underprivileged, they were still able to obtain employment using the resume and cover letter created. Soon after, I started completing resumes and cover letters for friends and family members which yielded employment for them as well. Read more>>
Growing up I never saw myself as a “Business owner” or on the journey of entrepreneurship; but life is funny like that. Within the last two years I have been blessed with two brands/businesses; AC Speaks and TRUTH NO CHASER. Although they are different; in a sense they are very similar. My concept behind both is guided towards using your voice to tell your story in a judgment free space. AC Speaks was formed while in the process of finishing my first book; Mask Off: Don’t allow your past to determine your present. Read more>>
I noticed that our HBCU athletes were not getting the exposure that Power 5 conference players were getting. I decided that I would launch a sports podcast that advocates strictly for HBCU athletics. This is turn gives athletes, coaches, etc to do live interviews and tell their stories! Read more>>