Do you have a favorite dialogue, lyric, quote or affirmation? Please share with us below.
Devin Parris | Filmmaker & Activist
Though I have faced many challenges in my career and personal life, one belief always stands true: I will not have any regrets in my life because every decision I have made and everything I have gone through has led me to where I am today. I know that if I made different decisions in my past I could have avoided a lot of hardship and heartache, but I am grateful for every trial and tribulation I have faced because it has made me stronger. Read more>>
Gigi Jarvis | Content Creator & Signed Model
“Be a better person; than the person you were yesterday”. This quote reminds me that each day is an opportunity to grow in kindness, gratitude, or discipline; enhancing my life and positively impacting others. In addition, it’s not about treating ourselves as an endless improvement project, but rather, living more meaningfully by embracing a gentle and mindful approach. Read more>>
Jourdan Baldwin | Lifestyle Youtuber
My favorite affirmation is: *you never know unless you ask.* I often come across as confident, so people might not realize how much I wrestle with self-doubt when it comes to my work. For a long time, I held back—kept myself in my comfort zone—out of fear of hearing “no.” But I’ve learned that some of the best opportunities came from simply putting myself out there and asking. A closed mouth truly doesn’t get fed. And I’ve also realized that “no” isn’t the end; it’s just a challenge. You’ll get so much farther by asking questions and having enough confidence in your work to go after what you want. Read more>>
Farjazz Rao | Creative Director & Photographer
“If Nothing Changes, Then Nothing Changes.” For far too long, I found myself trapped in a cycle of self-doubt, obsessing over whether I’d succeed in my industry. In hindsight, I can see that this fear was the very thing that held me back, preventing any real progress. I was constantly questioning whether my work would ever be good enough, and that internal insecurity built an invisible wall—one that kept me from fully recognizing my own potential. Read more>>
Anthony Tomasko | Photographer and Videographer “Tony Shot That Productions”
“There may be people who have more talent than you, but theres no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.” – Derek Jeter. Work ethic is one tool that is vital to being able to succeed in any industry. When it comes to the creative space, networking and consistency are the biggest factors that can make or break your career. Read more>>