Do you have a favorite dialogue, lyric, quote or affirmation? Please share with us below.

Kiarra Trammell | Founder & CEO

Absolutely! I have several but the one that sticks with me daily is “Keep On Pushing”. Keep on pushing to me means everything because that small quote means so much and it has a major impact when I tell others. There were days when I felt like I couldn’t go on or when I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. But I have always had that little voice consistently telling me “keep on pushing”. As women sometimes we get so wound up in our daily life routines it becomes a bit overwhelming. Keep on Pushing is for everyone! No matter where you are in life, how hard some obstacles may be remember you were given that task/journey for a reason always remember to just “Keep On Pushing” Read more>>

Brittany Hardy | Psychotherapist & Entrepreneur

We will things into fruition. -Kanye I like this quote because it’s something I’ve always said to myself throughout my life. I believe that I am capable of what I want in life and have the ability to make things happen. Read more>>

Alexander | A.B. | Fitness10x Owner

Yes I do. “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard” As a native of Virginia (Portsmouth) I grew up a very big fan of Allen Iverson. I would hear him quote this time after time in interviews and documentaries and it always stuck with me. It is 100% true. I believe we are all gifted with at least one great talent in which we do something very well effortlessly. Although if we don’t continuously work on that talent it can go to waste. From the opposing perspective, if you work hard at something you can become just as good or better than anyone who is doing the same thing. I like how this quote can be pretty much used in all fields of life with almost anything you are working towards. Read more>>

Dr. Courtney P. Hendrix | The PURPOSE Midwife

My favorite affirmation is, “Nobody can beat YOU being YOU but YOU…” What this means is, that you may often be imitated BUT you can never be duplicated. There is nobody anywhere that can be you better than you can be yourself. There is something deep down inside of you that only you possess; that only you hold the key to; that only you have to offer the world. Each individual is fearfully and wonderfully created. Your individual unique fingerprint is yours and yours alone, so whatever you touch there is no one else in the world that can add “that touch” but you. There is a purpose and assignment that you have been chosen for and in order to complete the assignment you MUST ALWAYS show up as your AUTHENTIC self. Read more>>