What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.

Jhade Hayes | Fashion Desiner

My work life balance over time has changed TREMENDOUSLY. I went from being that student athlete who played basketball 24/7, to becoming a brand owner who travels to different National Skate Party’s to sell merch. My schedule with my brand is very very busy. Read more>>

Shayna Benardo | Actor and Artist

This career, this industry, used to be the absolute center of my world. I really never had a work-life balance until the pandemic and subsequent strikes forced me to – and thank goodness they did. Read more>>

Koy Jr | Rapper

My work life balance has changed a lot since i decided i was going to pursue my music career. It used to be a lot more laid back, but i quickly realized that my 9-5 funds the music career. I work very long hours just to be able to buy beats, pay for videos, etc. but i think the balance is very important because you don’t want to be on the street you know? I still have a life and need to make sure that I’m okay. Read more>>

Becky Engram | n/a

Over time, my work life balance has shifted due to several factors. As I near retirement as teacher in a couple years, I thought about what l’ve loved doing creatively. Although teaching was my main career, I started to shift my mindset to what brings me the most peace in this chapter of life. Read more>>

John Gregory | Bagel Shop Owner

When my wife and I opened the bagel shop we did not have children. Seven years later we have three little girls. I have had to learn how to balance my work and home life. With restaurants the balance is so sensitive. If you are always at the restaurant you can become manic and not be there for your family.  Read more>>

Jieun Cheon | Artist

Unlike other occupations, artists usually do not have specific working time and resting time. Therefore, most artists, including me, have flexible schedules. An artist is like a marathoner. It is essential to have our own pace and persist over time. Devotion to creating artworks is the most important, but it is necessary to take care physical and mental health along the way. Read more>>

Kristina Kapeller | Lead Buyer Specialist

For years I was functioning in a rise and grind state. Don’t get me wrong, I really loved it at the time. I woke up, dedicated every waking thought to real estate: how I could help others on their homeownership journey, how I could be the best realtor for my clients, how I could grow my business, how I could create engaging content, on and on.  Read more>>