We asked some folks we admire to share one piece of conventional advice they disagree with.
Beck Visuals: Photographer / Creative Director/ Artist Mgmt
People always make it seem like you have to grind 24/7 no sleep just always on go. And when it comes to not just creating but everybody in life you never want to constantly over work yourself. I think it’s very important to take breaks from work so you don’t burn yourself out. And just take breaks for your body and mind to reset. Read more>>
Leeya Rose Jackson: Art Director , Illustrator
“You should stay at a job for 3-5 years”. One thing that I’ve noticed is a generational shift is how long is the recommended time to stay at a particular job. In the past, I think jumping around every few years to different workplaces was viewed negatively or as a red flag for an employer. Read more>>
Cecelia Ross: Social Worker & Natural Products Curator
I don’t agree with the conventional advice that you can build and operate your business by yourself. You absolutely need the help of others, you can’t do it ALL and you don’t know it ALL. Read more>>
Jeff Mitchell: Serial Entrepreneur
One piece of conventional advice I don’t agree with is focus on one thing and work that until it’s successful. I disagree. Some of us have the bandwidth to do multiple things with the same level of commitment & dedication. Why can’t I work on my 6 figure career & my growing small business?! The answer is I/you can! I know that b/c I did it! Read more>>
Twinn Johnson: Founder Of EndlessKeysMusic/Artist/ SongWriter
A Piece Of Conventional Advice I disagree With Is The Idea of “Working Smart, Not Hard”. This Day And Age, Working Smart Doesn’t mean working less. It means working hard, Managing your time, Resources, & Your Mind to work together for a better Outcome. Read more>>
Terrica Williams: Fashion Artist/ Podcaster
“Good things come to those who wait”, although I am a firm believer that whatever God has for you is for you, I also believe you must be properly positioned and prepared for that encounter. We are often disappointed when we don’t achieve certain things or when things are happening the way we dreams, so we begin to blame circumstances, others and even God, but do we rarely ever admit that somethings didn’t happen because we were not prepared. Read more>>