How do you think about risk? What role has taking risks played in your life/career? Check out responses from hidden gems from our community below.

Joy Greene | Performance Artist, Producer + Branding Manager

Taking risks has been a pivotal aspect of my life and career. Embracing adaptability and a positive attitude, I navigated unexpected challenges, from the impact of pregnancy on my aerial performances to pursuing a lifelong dream of becoming a burlesque dancer at the age of 40. The creation of events like ElectroLounge and Sunday School for Sinners at Red Light Cafe reflects my commitment to pushing boundaries and challenging norms in the world of performance art. Beyond my artistic endeavors, I’ve undertaken risks in establishing “She’s the Boss Here,” a passion project that empowers woman owned brands like Well Adjusted Buckhead and Art of Skin Atlanta and supports local artists. Read more>>

Chaayo Mac | Recording Artist

The bigger the risk , the bigger the reward . Taking risks is the story of my life because I’ve been taking risks my whole life. Having faith and knowing that God will align your steps when you don’t necessarily know which route to take. Read more>>

Sharla Weaver | Business Owner, Hairdresser, Makeup Artist, and Educator

Anything you do is a risk! It called stepping out on faith. Doing things against the grain. I get excited with I get challenges like that. The unknown is uncharted, you move whatever or however you want. I always been the frist to do anything, so my fear in minor. I may ask a million questions, I will find the solution sooner or later. I would never became a Cosmetology teacher. Or even my business, if I did not take risk. Read more>>

Prince O | Recording Artist & Record Producer

There are simply no rewards without risk. The most successful people on earth had to take risks to prevail. That’s just how it goes. If I didn’t take risks I would not be at the point in my career that I have reached today. As one grows as a person and within a particular industry, the risks one takes should become more calculated and backed by consistency. Taking risks without the discipline of consistency will lead to undesired outcomes and greater loss. Read more>>

Madi Kreates | Artist & Mental Health Advocate

Life is scary and so is living. Taking risks is a huge part of getting where you want to be in life. If you live your life in fear, you hold yourself back from doing the things you really want to do. I spent a lot of my life quiet and trying to stay in the background. I felt like I took up too much space. I felt like if I spoke up or out, that someone would quickly shut me down. One day I finally decided I didn’t want to care about what anyone else thought or felt about me or my work. I realized that what I had to say was important and if someone didn’t like or enjoy it, that it is okay because if at least one person resonated with my work, then that was all I needed to change the world. So I took the risk to continuously put myself out there. Read more>>

Dina Andrews | Founder/CEO of Dina Andrews Management, Inc.

As a business owner and entrepreneur, I believe that taking risk is fundamental to starting a business, doing business and staying in business. One can not be in business and not take risks. Anyone who invest in a business financially or sweat equity is taking a risk of some type. Starting a business does not guarantee that it is going to be successful…even if there is proven success by another business that conducts the same type of business. Though one may have the most thought out business plan, market research, and product or service, there are many variables that come in to play. As a very simple example, we can use those who take a risk on investing in the creative world. The creative may invest in themselves financially by buying equipment that they need to record their songs to release their material commercially. Read more>>

Willie Mays | Owner of QualityTaxBuilder Software

When it comes to my business, I’ve always viewed risk more like investment in me. The risks and investments are calculated based on my input, my drive, my passion. The more of those things that I put in, the lower the risk becomes. So I feel like I have a lot of control in the risk. Read more>>