There is a wealth of research that indicates that certain habits can help increase your productivity, creativity, and/or drive. So, we thought we’d reach out to respected members of our community and ask them what habits they feel helped them succeed.

George Weinstein | Author, Executive Director of the Atlanta Writers Club, and Director of the Atlanta Writers Conference

1. Persevering: Doing the work, even on days when you don’t feel like it. Creative work is a little like exercise–if you keep showing up and putting in the effort, you begin to reap the rewards and feel better about yourself. 2. Being unfailingly helpful and kind to others: The Golden Rule applies to the artistic world as well. When I began volunteering with the Atlanta Writers Club (AWC) more than 20 years ago, I could not have imagined how much that would change my life for the better. Read more>>

Paris Herbin | Executive Director & Real Estate Professional

The most important habits that I feel have cultivated my success and that are necessary for me to continue to evolve in all areas of life & business, are discipline, organization, routine/structure, and execution. It is significantly important to have a routine for your life to create a frequency and vibration that inspires you, impacts you and influences your daily life. Being grounded mentally, emotionally and spiritually are vital. Read more>>

Wavee | Rapper & Songwriter

I have a habit of criticizing my work because of a desire for perfection. I remember when I first started to record my own music, some people use to straight up tell me they didn’t like it or that “it’s not it… .” Some people saw the potential in my music but I wanted to make sure everyone took a liking to my music. I would compare my journey to MJ early in his career trying to make the team. I hated when people didn’t like my music and it gave me motivation to spit harder and structure my music like actual songs. Read more>>

Reajouna Phillips | College Student , Entrepreneur & Cheer Coach

Honestly, growing up I’ve always been super motivated and humble. Having goals and dreams has always been a BIG deal to me. Praying will always be number 1 when it comes to success. Anything I’ve achieved wasn’t done without prayer. Being humble and never looking down on others is most important when trying to be successful. The same way god gave it to you is the same way it could get taken away. Growing up in a two-parent household with a big sister who graduated college, and moved out of town was always an eye-opener that I could do the same if I just stayed motivated and consistent on my goals. Read more>>

Crystal Lowder-Haynes | Worship Minister, Educator, Instructional and Academic Coach for Public Schools and Youth Ministries

Outside of leaning on my great support system, family, and like-minded people, taking care of my spiritual being, my emotional being, and my mental state, aligned with revisiting and understanding my why have been the greatest habits that have helped me succeed. If you don’t know why you’re doing what you’re doing then you can’t go pass Start Here…..If your spiritual being, emotional state, and mental state is not in tact then the foundation of your why with begging to have cracks that allow others and the enemy to deter you from your calling. Read more>>