What habits do you feel helped you succeed?

There is a wealth of research that indicates that certain habits can help increase your productivity, creativity, and/or drive. So, we thought we’d reach out to respected members of our community and ask them what habits they feel helped them succeed.
Habits that helped me succeed include habits around discipline. I am a trained actor, and multi-instrumentalist, I was literally raised to have discipline, and when you don’t it’s hard to navigate life, but also, move forward in a way that’s beneficial to others around you, and yourself. Read more>>
I feel that the habits of consistency and determination has helped me succeed. Read more>>
One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced is burnout — both physically and mentally. I often worked until I was exhausted, and this was detrimental both for me and the people around me. Since then, I’ve really learned the importance of prioritizing my health (and getting 8+ hours of sleep!) and will continue to work on finding harmony in my work and life. Read more>>
I feel like a habit that has helped me succeed would definitely be Consistency. That’s always a challenge for me even now, but I recognize that as an important factor is the success or failure of an endeavor. Read more>>
I’m a serious person, if I want it bad enough, I’ll get it. I wake up early, write my goals down, exercise, and discipline myself to stay dedicated to my artwork. I’m also very determined, so if something isn’t working as I thought it would, I go back to the drawing board and try it again. Faith is critical as well as taking action. Read more>>
Resilience and consistency. The willingness to not give up on myself and stay committed to the goal of the brand really made a lot of days tolerable. Using all the negative energy making it positive, being able to control your energy and articulating yourself is one of the most powerful tools as a human. Read more>>
– Doing what no one else is willing to do and doing it for longer than anyone else. – Comparing myself to others. – Infinite patience. Read more>>
Intentionally placing myself in situations or environments that make me uncomfortable. I realize the only time I’m growing is when I’m stepping out of my comfort zone. Read more>>
When people ask me how do I continue to get the business that I get, I have to say that the key habits that have helped me and my business be so successful is: 1. Being consistent. Read more>>