Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.

Wendy Hsiao | Public Relations Professional

I think risk taking is absolutely necessary especially when it comes to personal and professional growth. I believe that risk taking goes hand in hand with challenging myself. I’m definitely the type of person who constantly thinks about the future. In my career, I’ve always tried to push myself to be the best version I could possibly be whether that’s by moving across the country for a job or by leaving a job I liked for a new opportunity that would force me to grow. Read more>>

Lina Franklin | Master Stylist & Entrepreneur

I think positively about risks. It sharpens your edge. Risks create definition, or it least it has for me. It started small for me. One of my first memorable risk was an emotional one. I showed up late to a group interview, and decided to take the lead. My audacity to sing Happy birthday with no vocal training landed my first job. Being yourself is risky. Read more>>

J Nolan | Hip-Hop Artist/Music Entrepreneur

I feel like risks are definitely necessary for growth in all aspects. You have to be willing to try new things and just be open to whatever happens. When I was invited by Loaded Lux and Hot 97 to do Top Shelf Freestyle in New York, I sacrificed 3 weeks of paid vacation time to do it. All this year, I’ve gone out of my way to just put my name in the mix for things whether it’s financial relief, artistic assistance, virtual performance opportunities, etc and they’ve all worked out. Read more>>

Perry Julien | Photographer and Podiatrist

There is a T.S Eliot quote that inspired me years ago “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go”. The risks I have taken in my life have all been to push myself either personally or artistically. I feel these are “calculated” risks – my analytical mind is always conversing with my artistic and adventurous mind to help me find the best path at that given moment. In my photography, that has reflected in the locations that I have I chosen to capture an image, from cliffs and ocean surf to masses of ecstatic people in the streets of India and in the crowds at music festivals. From an artistic standpoint, this risks take the form of making photos that might not have broad commercial appeal but reflect my creative passion at that time. Read more>>

Curtis D. Jasper | Author-Speaker-Emotional Intelligence Educator & Human Behavior Specialist

When I think about risk, what immediately comes to mind is the word courage! Overall, I think we all know that life and living is one great big risk, in and of itself. In addition, I also feel that being a risk-taker has more to do with one’s courageousness and not necessarily one’s ability in a particular area. I think that all of us started out as risk-takers, learning how to walk as babies. As we grew, we became conditioned to take less and less risk by one of two things. First, either our loved-ones, teachers, friends, and family members discouraged taking a risk for fear of our safety and secondly, because as our risk became harder and more costly, we lacked the ability to actually tend to our fears and feelings before, during, and definitely after taking the risk. Read more>>