The deciding factor: what’s the most important factor behind your success?

There are so many factors that can play a role in determining our results, performance and ultimately our success, but some factors matter more than others. We asked folks what they felt was the most important factor driving their success.
First off, let me start by saying that i consider success to be something one gets for trying everyday, for pushing even when it gets hard. So the most important factor behind my success i would have to say is my transparency. As a modeling coach and a Nuero-Linguestics practitioner, Read more>>
My transparency with other women. I’ve been on the battlefield, with emotional,,mental, and physical abuse. So l can encourage and motivate because I’ve walked in on their path. Read more>>
The most important factor behind the success of my brand is my relationship with God. I could say it’s my willingness to take risks but that translates to faith. I could say it’s my drive and determination but that translates to the power of God that lives within me. Read more>>
Grinding, Determination and being very persistent. And most of all keep God in my everyday actions. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my success is bringing others closer to God. I believe that’s what everyone’s sole purpose is on this Earth. Many people tie their success to money, luxury items. financial freedom, vacays and so forth. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my success is definitely my support system of friends and family. Throughout my time at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), I was able to meet a great group of friends in Graphic Design, and I honestly could not have made it through without them. Read more>>
I believe that the most important factor behind my success has been precisely executing my vision with my visuals. When I announce that I am about to release a video, people get excited because they know it’s going to be dope. I want to continue building my brand this way and always get better. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my success is dedication. When I start something I am dedicated to finish it. I have completed a bachelors, masters, and PhD because I was dedicated to creating a successful brand with the use of my education. Read more>>
the absolute most important factor behind my success has been my transparent authenticity. my online, open diary not only helped me to relieve a ton of anxiety, but helped to relate to SO many other people. plus once my audience was able to understand me better, they understand my art better. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my success / the success of my brand would be my family and friends. They have shown me so much love and support throughout the entire process. My parents have always instilled in me to never give up and to be the best at whatever I do in life. I have always had a love for fashion and jewelry ever since I was a little girl. I’ve always had the motivation to follow my dreams. Read more>>
Happy clients! Ultimately, without happy clients, there would be no success nor a business. I am truly thankful to have the most amazing clients. They have literally followed me from one county to another to support my business. I’ve had clients that I’ve created cakes and cookies for starting with a bridal shower, wedding, baby shower and now every year for their kid’s birthdays. Read more>>
There have been many elements that tie to the success of the Bridal Design Box, but none more important than understanding our foundational goals as a brand. Every decision that we’ve made, every partnership that we’ve created, every product that we’ve released all tie back to our foundational goal of being the resource that engaged couples can use to have their dream wedding while maintaining their financial peace. Read more>>
I found myself at 29 years old trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life as an entrepreneur. I wanted to have a major accomplishment under my belt that was personal and intentional for me. Read more>>
I feel as though the most important factor behind my success is being genuine, personable, and providing a “safe space”. In my opinion those things are something that is lacking in our society and culture at large. I like getting to know my clients and meet their individual needs and desires. Read more>>
The most important Factor behind my success in my brand is determination. Me taking all of my imagination and putting it onto paper and then taking it from paper and bringing it to life. Read more>>
Consistency! Staying on top of the systems I have in place and making sure things are done in a timely, efficient way, every time. Whether it’s posting to my social media or how I package and present my products, consistency is key. Read more>>
“Give, if you have it. Ask, if you need it.” This is my go-to for daily success in life and business. I love the fact that I have been accused of giving too much because it lets me know that I am on track with my life goal to outgive the biggest giver in the world. Read more>>
If I could only choose one factor, it would be my work ethic. One of my favorite quotes is “They may be smarter than you. They may have more money than you. They may come from a different city or a better family. But they can NEVER outwork you.” I’m going to work my hardest because I’m always betting on myself and I refuse to lose, give up, or come in second place. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my business and personal success is being a connector and the “Pay it Forward” mentality. I truly believe that to get you must give. I learned early in my professional career to make it about my client. Give them what they need, help them solve their “pain” point and most important make sure they refer me because I have given more value than they expected. Read more>>
For me and my journey into the art of photography, I attribute my success to my spouse and countless friends and family members supporting me in the early stages. For my method and how I go about capturing images, I strive to focus on the essence of the subject. Read more>>
Authenticity. Being honest and truthful about who I am, who I intend to serve, and being unapologetic about it is what has lead me to where I am today. People want realness. They want to connect and relate. Knowing that my tribe will always find me and support me as long as I’m being me has been the most important factor in my success. Read more>>
I believe that the most important factor behind my brand is acknowledging that this is a journey. I am constantly changing, shifting, and growing in relation to the things around me. The idea of being “successful” because I’ve “made it” or because I am the image of someone that “has it all together” would just be a facade. Read more>>
There are several factors behind my success. First and foremost is acknowledging God and trusting Him to direct and guide my steps as I walk through His process. Daily I pray for divine connections, divine appointments, and God’s divine revelation (this allows me to focus on my assignments). Secondly, it is paramount that I believe in myself, because this has been a huge factor behind my success. Read more>>