We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Erin Braxton | Actress

My favorite quote is a confession I tell myself, “Dreams Do Come True”. As a kid, I was a big fan of Disney, and I remember dreaming big. Sometimes, days can look incredibly daunting as you go through life, and you wonder if you will grow through the adversity you are experiencing. That is when the personal development kicks in. You have to wipe the callus skin from your eyes, theoretically. I remind myself, “Dreams Do Come True”. Whatever your goal is you are trying to achieve, remember it is attainable. You can do it. Never give up. Don’t ever let go of that little girl or little boy inside you that has big dreams. Read more>>

Marsha Rowe | Owner/Designer/Artisan

While my husband was stationed in Texas with the military and on a tour in Korea, I was home with our two young boys. One morning, as I was brushing my teeth, I distinctly heard the name “Heavenly Beads.” I had no idea what it meant at the time. Although I always loved fashion, I had never been interested in making jewelry. In fact, I have a degree in Political Science and was considering law school. Jewelry design was nowhere on my radar. Read more>>

Ian Grant | CEO & Co-founder

As someone who came from the industry, as an actor and stuntman, I was always curious about the business side of entertainment. I wanted to know what made it “showbiz” and who really made the money. After becoming a producer and realizing the challenges of getting my own project off the ground, not having a system or anything to help streamline the process, I realized there had to be a better way. So many industries evolve and advance, and I felt like entertainment was still stuck in the analog ages. Read more>>

Carla Hudson

I came up with the idea of Commitment to You merely from seeing a lack staying committed to my own goals and letting life habits keep me in a state of depression. I looked around and found it was so many women that look just like me that lacked discipline and had issues with committing time to themselves. We all had one thing in common. We lacked Self-Love. Read more>>

Jasmine McSwain

The most important thing that I have done as a parent to impact my child is taking a chance on starting my own photography business. With control over my schedule, I am able to spend more quality time with my daughter, focusing on her education and making memories with her. Read more>>

Samirah Bonaparte | Business owner and Influencer

The single most important decision that contributed to my success would have to be deciding to move out of my mom’s house at 18. I began to take myself more seriously when I realized my passions and hobbies can pay my bills. The deeper I dove into entrepreneurship the more I fell in love with what I could do. My end goal vision motivated me as I was developing my business. Chasing my dreams while trying to sustain a place to live , was not an easy task. I feel like the trial and error part of the journey makes the destination more fruitful. Sort of like that movie called “The Sandlot”. Read more>>

Katrina Adams

What started off as me watching my mother 1 of 16 kids cook with love and passion as a little girl inspired me to start the brand, Kmarie! My name Katrina Marie comes from two of my aunts on my dad’s side which is the also the inspiration for my blog name Kmarie Kitchen
I am continuing a culinary legacy on both sides of the family Read more>>

Michelle Griffin-Carter | Author, Educator & Entrepreneur

My legacy, or what I want people to remember about me, is that my heart was always open. I was a natural giver. Whatever God blessed me with, whether gifts or resources, I always shared and wanted to bless others. I have always wanted and prayed to be in a position where I could be blessed to be a blessing. Read more>>

Hurricane Dave Smith | Hurricane Dave Smith – Thought Leader, National Black Radio Hall of Fame Inductee

Having a positive outlook on life. I start every morning around 4:50 when everybody in the house is sleeping. I do a 10-minute meditation exercise, followed by an inspirational video, followed by an empowerment video. Then, I usually walk/run 3 miles. Only after that routine is done every morning, even if I’m out of the country, do I look at the emails, news, or social media. Read more>>


I was always one to procrastinate, a change of mind in whole was a huge part to my success. Like many others I thought at one time I would be unable to succeed. Read more>>

Bunny Blash | Reiki Master/ Minister/Yoga Instructor/Grief Counselor

The values and principles that matter most to me are compassion, resilience, and authenticity. Compassion is at the heart of everything I do. It’s about truly understanding and empathizing with others, offering kindness and support in their times of need. Resilience is crucial because life will always present challenges, and it’s our ability to bounce back and grow from these experiences that truly defines us and becomes our story of triumph. Authenticity is about being true to oneself, embracing our unique journey, and living with integrity. These principles guide my work in healing and empowering others, helping them find their own paths to self-love and spiritual growth. Read more>>

Lara Hodgson | Co-Founder, President & CEO, NowAccount Network Corporation (Now®)

I disagree that you have to be passionate about “what” you do. I believe that you have to be passionate about the “so what” that you do. Many entrepreneurs are passionate about their “what” – their product or service. As a result, human nature causes them to not REALLY listen. If someone suggests changes or improvements, the initial reaction is to defend the product/service because that is where the creator’s ego sits. If, instead, you can be passionate about your “so what”, your impact, and not on your “what”, then when you hear suggestions, you are open minded and all ears. Read more>>

Quincy Ellis | Model & Videographer

One thing that often surprises people outside of the photography and video production world is the extensive amount of behind-the-scenes work and preparation that goes into each client project. Capturing seemingly effortless, high-quality imagery and footage requires a tremendous amount of planning, technical expertise, and logistical coordination. Read more>>

Fendi Liyah | Social Media Influencer & Model

The most difficult decision I’ve had to face so far would be, removing people that have been in my life that didn’t bring any positive energy. When I say this I also mean removing people that didn’t understand my goals or push me to achieve them even with not having any goals for themselves’ Read more>>

Kiara Gardner | Mental health advocate, crafty mom

The most important lesson that my business has taught me is… It’s ok to take a break from it to revamp and regather yourself. I’m big on restarting as often as you like, just don’t quit! Read more>>

Tori Chapman | Account Manager at a Web3 Marketing Agency & Content Creator

I come from a broken household and I do believe that upbringing impacted me in a lot of ways. My father starting his own successful law firm from the ground up and being a business mentor to me my whole life instilled a very strong drive in me to be successful. In addition, my single mother’s financial challenges after the divorce reaffirmed to me that I would do everything it takes to be financially independent and wealthy on my own so I will never have to depend on anyone else for financial support. Read more>>

Dr. Terriyln Rivers-Cannon | Dr. Terriyln Rivers-Cannon: Social Worker, Social Justice Advocate, Author, Coach, Mentor, Consultant, Inspirational Visionary, and Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host

Growing up in Savannah, GA, I was blessed with profound influences from my parents, Levone Rivers and Catherine James Rivers, who gave me life, as well as my grandparents, James and Hattie Mae Bentley Rivers, my Aunt Katie Mae Rivers Tindal, my mentor and social worker, and my prayer partner, Sharon Rivers Bowers. These remarkable individuals played pivotal roles in shaping who I am today. Read more>>