Risk, Reward & Life

We asked some brilliant folks from the community to talk to us about how they think about risk and the role risk has played in their lives and careers.
“Empty your cup so that it may be filled”. – Bruce Lee In life, you’re gonna make mistakes and you’ll have to live and learn from those mistakes. I believe that is the true journey to self discovery in becoming a better and stronger person each and every day. Read more>>
I wouldn’t be where I am without taking risks in both my career and personal life. There are three key risks I took in my life, which I am truly grateful for. The first is meeting my wife, I knew right away she was the one and after a year I asked her to marry me and we have been together now for 14 years and have two handsome boys. Read more>>
Taking risk is one of the most important things to do in this career. For one, anybody that you ask for help in your journey is taking a risk on you. But most people won’t do that for you if they don’t believe you would do it for yourself. Read more>>
Taking risks in the past used to seem like this unimaginable feat that could never be reached. I was afraid to embark on uncharted waters in fear of disappointment, rejection, and I was just plain ol’ scared to fail. Author Brené Brown has a quote that says: “Stay awkward, brave, and kind.” Read more>>
Wow, that’s a difficult question for me. I’m not a gambler, I’m organized and I love planning. I’d rather not take a risk if I can help it. But time and time again I find that when you are an artist it’s inevitable to take risks if you want to do real, integral, captivating art. Read more>>
I think of risk mostly in terms of braving to challenge tradition instead of uphold it. Which as an artist is absolutely necessary as a practice. Entertainment allows us to be passive, technique and craft uphold tradition, but if these are going to be combined in some nuanced way they aren’t going to function as art without risk. Read more>>
Being a risk taker comes with great rewards at times. I started my career by taking a risk. I jumped in head first on the strength of believing in myself. Some of the greats will tell you low risk low reward, what’s the worse you can hear…a no? Read more>>
My first thoughts of risk-taking were associated with college when I enrolled in SCAD. I had serious doubts from guidance counselors and peers about pursuing art school as opposed to a liberal arts school. Going to a university seemed to them the only way to guarantee a job after graduation. I was told over and over again that there was no money to be made in the arts. I am grateful for the 18 year version of me who dove into the unknown and persisted. Read more>>
Risk taking can be daunting, yet somewhat necessary if you want to live a life of purpose and meaning. I think it takes a sense of self and a desire that drives you toward an experience more than a a definitive outcome. Following your intuition married with instincts to guide you along the way. Most artists live in a state of uncertainty and you have to be able to face it to take a risk. Read more>>
Most people crave comfort, safety and certainty – especially right now. Entrepreneurs and leaders of all types need to lean into the risks that come with blazing new trails. No one has ever innovated in the herd or by playing it safe. I think people like myself, who are drawn to entrepreneurial ventures are wired to take bigger risks. Read more>>
I think of myself as someone who wants to take risks but who has always needed a safety net or looked for security before taking a step in a new direction. Since I have always taken the safe route in my career, my growth was slow. After 12 years of being a stay-at-home mom, I re-entered the workforce post-divorce. Read more>>
Deciding to start my own business was a leap of faith. It required pushing out of my comfort zone and trying new things. When I started Best Logistics and Freight in the heart of Arlington Texas. Read more>>
I think about risk as a chance to succeed. My father taught me from a young change, that taking risks is an integral part of one’s life. It allows you the potential to accomplish bigger achievements in life. Risk played a role in my undergraduate education when I decided to transfer back home in my sophomore year and also change my major while transferring. Read more>>
How do I think about risk? Risk is necessary it’s the blood that sustains the body; without risk their would be no Nobel peace prize for poetry or medicine or physics, or the pulitzer prize for music composers. Read more>>
When thinking about risk I try and boil it down to a list of choices and potential consequences. It’s the unknown that’s terrifying, so the more I can sketch out what a decision could look like in reality the more comfortable I feel. That also allows me to prepare, to a certain extent, for any outcome. Read more>>
Just living life is a daily risk because you never know what can happen to you at any moment or anytime. In regards to my life/career currently speaking, I take calculated risk. These risk have had both negative & positive effects on my life/career, but I always choose to see the positive in the negative effects. I analyze them & work on ways to not repeat that same risk. Read more>>
When I think about risk, I see it as an opportunity to bet on myself. At an early age I always considered myself as a daredevil. Never being afraid to as most would say “shoot my shot”, or take on a role even if I didn’t have the proper experience. Read more>>
My brand is Living Without Regrets, the basis of the brand is about risk taking and improving your lifestyle everyday but it all starts with your mental. I believe if there is no risk there will be no reward. Read more>>
I welcome risks! I look at everything as a risk, because in actuality it is. If you take a new job, that’s a risk. You decide to learn a new instrument, that also is a risk. I’ve always been a person who likes to challenge myself, so I’m open to trying new things. Read more>>
As human beings we all tend to suffer at being risk takers because we are so scared of failure. As we all know nothing in life comes easy and you have to be willing to work your butt off and be somewhat of a risk taker to succeed in life. All entrepreneurs are risk takers. Read more>>
Risk taking is definitely something that has taken a huge role in my entire life both professional and personal. I was a Learning & Development professional in the financial services industry for 15+ years and giving up all of that to start “Snuggly Blanket Company” my own small business is one of the biggest risks I had taken in my entire life. Read more>>
Going into my final year at MTSU, I am tasked with coming up with plans post-graduation. I could go the safe route and apply for any job with an opening or I could invest in myself and take the risk of freelancing as an audio engineer and producer. Read more>>
Taking a risk is also taking a chance. And you know what they say? Chances makes champions. My life has been a constant revolving door of risks, sacrifices and discipline. It’s what I live by. Read more>>
I feel that when you are a creative artist risk taking becomes part of your innate behavior. I’ve molded and changed in my career several times in my life, all with the risk of it not working out. Read more>>
How do I approach risk? By being fearless… Stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking risks are essential in reaching goals and becoming successful. Being uncomfortable helps push your personal growth financially & emotionally. Read more>>
The bigger the risk the bigger the rewards as far as what roles taking risks played i would have to say going state to state traveling making a name Branding Spudcutz paving my way through Cali,Illinois,Indian,Ohio,Michigan,Tennessee and now here in Atlanta I leaped with faith putting god first hoping my lord grant me serenity on my journey Read more>>
I always say that the best education for me has come through the pain I’ve experienced. In life. I was able to find a higher level of creativity as well as become a better person based on the tougher lessons. Read more>>