Deciding to work for yourself is often cited as the best decision folks in our community have made. Hearing the same response over and over led us to ask them about the next best decision folks have made and we’ve shared their responses with you below.

Neda Raeisian | Abstract Artist and dentist

I think the key to success in anything is to follow your passion. Unfortunately I found my passion late in life but I know I have to pursue it. When you follow your passion things just work out and you never give up or get tired. You just keep going untill you succeed. It never gets boring because it is not work. It is just play. Read more>>

Goldy Tavares | CEO Entrepreneur

The single most important decision I made that contributed to my success was treating people how I want to be treated and stop putting myself last helping others before I help myself. Read more>>

Shamira Jones | Trucking Company & Logistics Owner

To totally surrender my business to God. To make Him my business partner. To let Him know that the success of my business ultimately depends on Him. Incorporating biblical principles throughout my business was major. Seeking Him first and allowing Him to add to my business. Also, getting to a space where it was just me and Him and allowing Him to give me ideas, business plans, and tools that I need to be successful. Read more>>

Lovinda Dabo | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

The single most important decision that I made to contribute to my success thus far in my career had been to work through my dominate negative thought patterns that have held me back or slowed me down when networking with others. Working on my inner thoughts and taking ownership of the quality of my thoughts have allowed me to be fully present and not project false narratives as I try to navigate professional social interactions. Read more>>