We had the good fortune of connecting with Taliek (CG) Ennis and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Taliek (CG), we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I think one of the biggest things actually is not overdoing your thought process by not overly thinking every step, you can think on something all you want & proceed to come out with the greatest ideas in the world, but do it really matter if you’re not willing to step outside and fail on those ideas, put them to the test and see which parts have to be taken back to the drawing board to get touched up then try again. This is all about trial and error for me. I have plenty of time on this earth to try and try again to fail over and over until I get it right, so that’s my thought process, risk taking/not being afraid of breaking the barrier cause at some point it has to be broken. It’s the if not me then who mindset, if I don’t take my family out of poverty who will? If I don’t change my mother’s, siblings, friends lives who will? Take that risk to be the change in your family tree, be the one who makes the coin flip. Take that risk, grind at it for however long you need be, establish your business to now create jobs within jobs for your family. Now you can break the barrier and could provide for your family(funds) while providing for your family (in jobs you got to offer) cause now you got a business that needs staffing.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I think we all know that getting to where we need to or want to get to ain’t go be easy, overcoming challenges is just all apart of the game though, it’s what we signed up for when you decided to be one of those ones to try and break the barrier. We live in a world where bosses want to be bosses and they would like to keep they’re workers as workers it’s just that simple, so think will it ever be easy to get to that top? Simple answer is no, the less of them sitting at the top the more wealth for them to go around the less information that has to go around, but I got here through perseverance and I’m no where close to my ending point. I got here through being eager and ambitious, none of this was on purpose for me I didn’t set out to be a cameraman. I’m just in love with telling stories, showing you the world through my vision. A camera truly gives you a chance to tell a story, get a glimpse into somebody’s life and mind. I got thrown into situations where people needed camera men for different types of work and didn’t want to pay and I was eager enough to just stand there and learn how to work the camera. I don’t think there’s a set way of “how” you get over those bumps and challenges I think as creatives we all have our own way of getting over those bumps and challenges. What might be overwhelming for me as a creator might not be for the next, truly I feel like what sets me apart is my youthful ambition. As a 20 year old my world has really just started so there’s no turning me down & making me want to quit, my ability to adapt and connect with so many older much more established entrepreneurs has set me up for a life filled with a whole lot of knowledge and that to me will always make me stand out from the rest, you may be able to do more right now (due to funding, connections, locations) but I may know more and may have the knowledge to outlast you, I’m open minded enough to walk into any room and let someone stories help shape my art, vision and how I’ll continue to move forward in my life. And that sets me apart in my art and in my business. I’ve learned many valuable lessons but I think the biggest is not rushing your success, so many of us think we’re ready to go before we are really ready to go, I’ve always believed that certain things are already prepared and set in stone for us it’s just about if we get to that point of being ready to go to that next level, when you get to that point that higher power above will move mountains for you to show you that you’re ready. Lastly im most proud of my situational awareness, the ability I have to be thankful and understanding that these are all signs that I’m on the right path to success, I don’t think I would’ve met Jamila or would’ve gotten this opportunity for this interview if I wasn’t on the right track in life and that keeps me grounded and humble for everything that comes my way, the good the bad the ugly and the evil.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
If I was able to get my best friend back we’d be doing all the things we used to do, where’re from New York so it’s so much you could grab it’s all about what you got the taste for. Me personally we going to the deli and I’m getting a chopped cheese you can’t go wrong with that, then I’m going to new apollos and I’m grabbing a blue Hawaiian drink or a passion fruit colada. Again this is NYC so hanging out is more of a taste of what you like we have everything out here, we’d probably go to a sporting event like a basketball or football game or honestly we was outside all day in the parks running around playing basketball just being kids. You could meet some of the most interesting people in SoHo NY so if anybody was to come out here looking for interesting people to just talk to network with etc, Times Square, SoHo, go down on west 4th you might meet somebody there. It’s NY you could run into anybody for all you know. NYC also is filled with museums/art galleries where you could network and see some of the greatest art.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’d dedicate my story and any amount of my success to my 2 biggest motivators my mother and my late best friend. My late best friend is hands down the biggest part of my brand. He was truly my biggest supporter, my biggest friend & the biggest reason for me wanting to break the barrier and show people we don’t have to be stuck in one lane. The way we grow up as minorities we just don’t have the resources to show a 12 or 13 year old me I could’ve been picked up a camera and found a safe fun carrier. They don’t even give us that option to know things like that but really we all got the potential to be stars. To really be something bigger than what we are now, and that was my best friend, he was failed. So much joy & talent, so smart and open minded, just never had the right opportunities Everything I do is to keep his name living on in a positive light, from the hashtag #GREENHEARTS under nearly every post, to the green hearts people throw in my comment sections when I drop or throw up next to a repost when my work is being shared is all to represent him. With his last name being (Green) it brings me pure joy to see people latch on to using the green hearts all throughout the shared and comments, He’ll forever have something representing him and his name in the most positive light. I also have literal nights and days where all I’m thinking about is how I’m going to change my mother’s life for the rest of the time she has on this earth, constantly thinking of how fast I can make something shake so she could have plenty years of laying back and resting like she deserves. I’m breaking the barrier for her, so she could see the rewards of being the greatest mother one could ask for,

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guam30cg?igsh=MW5lajg2aDhjendocQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Interviews IG Page- https://www.instagram.com/forthekinfolk?igsh=OTBheWdpc3NxNGxw

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@Guam30Chipgame?si=i_5eNoBS__hEe49d

Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@chipgamecg?_t=8kBX9HOjy63&_r=1 Email- tke41603@gmail.com TikTok- Chipgamecg Tiktok interview page- https://www.tiktok.com/@forthekinfolk?_t=8kBXYaJhdk7&_r=1

Image Credits
Shot by CG

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