Meet Michael Pierino | Actor | SongWriter | Manager | Philanthropist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Michael Pierino and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Michael, what is the most important factor behind your success?
When I sit and analyze what continues to nurture the energy that ignites my aura I always come to one conclusion. If you are true to you, if you allow your genuine light to shine, and you combine that with your overwhelming passion, drive and appreciation for what you do, what truly motivates you. Within that mixture of natural light, passion and respect you will find success. Chasing what others have already established as their truth, their reality, only keeps you in second place. What got them there was being uniquely themselves, so do you, put in all the work and you will find them approaching you for inspiration and giving you that mutual respect. Another key, I would say is it so important to know when you enter a room, full of your peers, strangers, mentors anyone. YOU have what they need as well. Yes, there is always experience in the room, advice in the room to absorb and learn from but, you too contain so much knowledge and passion that nobody in that room has. Within this you have so much to offer the room that can make each and every person present, better, by exposing themselves to you and your aura. The more they become apart of your light, your ambitious site, the better they will be for it. I want you to remember that your reality in the present does not determine the hope of your future. Understanding that your talents and your time are tools not toys, will get you further than you can ever imagine. Stop playin yourselves and go get it!
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
The journey to your true purpose, to fulfillment is never easy. But, you can ensure that its a joyous ride. I live, breathe and eat the grind. I feed off of every second that is working towards my goals, my aspirations. Overcoming barricades of distractions, temptations or happenings is the only option if you want it bad enough. I can’t explain how deeply I intend to accomplish all that I have in mind. There are things I want to do for this world that require a certain level, a certain platform. I’ve always said “I’m going for the top, to uplift the bottom.” This is something that will never diminish. It is such a dark world and more so now than ever. I intend to do all I can within my power and success to help better this place. And those within my inner circle have that same vision. Through our talents, our ambitions and our energy we will make this a better place for everyone. I have most definitely pressed on through so many dark times, but I do so knowing that there are so many others experiencing these things as well and in some situations even worse. I choose to cope by continuing the hustle, to make this world a better place for all of us I need to achieve all that I am setting out to accomplish.
You know, I’ve had this conversation a few times the past couple weeks. Biggest lessons learned, what have you grown out of, habits left to the wayside etc. Whenever, I would reflect on where the sources of negativity in my life were coming from. The main recurring factor would always be my disappointment and sadness toward others. What do I mean by that? For too long I allowed the lack of drive, the lack of vision and the lack of execution in others to bring my aura down at times. I always felt I wanted it more than certain individuals, that didnt see what was already within our grasp, they just couldn’t grip their fingers around it and claim it. I realized that Its not up to me nor is it my responsibility to make sure others want it enough, that others are as hungry as me. That is not for me to decide, it is out of my control. And as any will tell you, anything out of your control must be released or it will torment you relentlessly. If you have NO SAY in the outcome of something, how in the hell can you let it bring you down? It is in no way a part of you or your process. Within the whole (all that is) we have a special spark. It has to be protected at all costs. If not, we don’t just lose who we truly are, but, we lose all that is intended for us to achieve.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Sheesh, this is a question I was not expecting. Ah yes, food, how I love you. If I had a friend visiting the core of the experience would be around food, friends and productivity. We most definitely would have a dinner set up at TWO URBAN LICKS and BONES my absolute favorite restaurants in Atlanta. Outside of that there are sweet gems like LETS GO EAT and Colombian restaurant family owned by an amazing family that actual donates incredible food when I get out and feed the homeless. A hike to stone mountain for the sunset, music, good conversation is absolutely my favorite vibe. We would attend a comedy show or two, participate in an open mic night. Most importantly if a friends was visiting it would be WORK also. Productions, Sessions etc. would already be set up and executed between the two of us. Events and sets would be visited together and networking shared amongst the circle. Not too much play would occur, where there is time, there is productivity. With true motive, every moment is a chance at greatness.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I truly cannot shoutout just one person. I have an incredible core within my inner circle that I am truly blessed to have. Among them are my brothers, Sohale Moosavi, Curtis Washington, Patrick Okonkwo, Rodman Randolph and SpikeG (George Taylor). If I were to shoutout one person though I would have to select my big sis and business partner within a certain lane of my life. Lovilla Telewik Santiago. She has allowed me to be a part of something she built (MILES Models Agency) and continues to do everything in her power to give me the knowledge and business savi within the agent side of things and the fashion industry as a whole. Of course I bring a lot to the table as well. But, she truly is a pioneer and a visionary. Her ambition is incredible and her execution even more respectable. She continues to grind and grow while keeping her integrity intact. I couldn’t respect her more for all that she is, all that she is becoming and all that she has been. A mom, wife, CEO, entrepreneur, fashion icon and so much more. She most definitely deserves a daily shoutout.
Instagram: @Atownsfinest
Image Credits
Photographers | Steve West Michael Crain Lorenzo Smith Bernita Nana