We had the good fortune of connecting with Kyoto Jordan and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kyoto, how do you think about risk?
Taking a risk on anything can be quite intimidating and scary but all at the same time the most liberating feeling you can experience especially if it all works out in a positive way. However, if you fail it’s still a learning experience you just fail forward and keep going! At least you don’t live with the “what ifs”, should’ve, could’ve, would’ve” if you never took the chance. With faith all risk can be rewarding it just depends on the way you look at it. Naturally for me I AM a risk taker and I allow the chips fall where they lay. I like to live with no regrets. Now some of those risks did not pan out like I thought Lol none the less it was a learning lesson. At one point in time I was comfortable and content working my 9 to 5 making great pay, with good benefits and steady income that I knew for sure was coming every week to provide security for my family life was good or so I thought. Things took a turn for the worse. The company began to take away our off days and I was being overworked, not compensated for it and mostly importantly time away from my son. I was at work more than I was at home. I was truly suffering mentally and physically. Something had to give, I knew I was not meant to stay at a place that made me miserable. I had to figure out what made me happy and apply it. So I took the leap of faith and enrolled in school to obtain my Real Estate license. I said to myself once I passed I was going to leave that job and pursue my career in Real Estate. Well guess what?… I PASSED !!! I was so happy that I cried hard tears. I took the risk and leap of faith to go after something I wanted and achieved it! Also I left that job like I said I would and I haven’t looked backed since. Being a Realtor has been the most fulfilling thing ever. I can move to the beat of my own drum! I’m the CEO of my business . it gets no better than that. It also shows my son that whatever you put your mind to there’s nothing you can’t do!

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
K. Jordan Realty is here is for all your Real Estate needs. When you partner with us we become family, which means that my team, and I will always have your best interest at heart, and will always look out for you, even after the ink has dried. It’s a one stop shop. I’m excited about and most proud that is not only do we help people purchase, sell or invest into real estate. we also have a financial literacy program that specializes in credit restoration, credit building, budgeting, and savings goal to put them in position to have financial freedom. my goal is to help families create generational wealth for themselves, their children and their grand children for years to come. I get great joy out of helping others achieve their goals. I want to help as many families as possible, but if I only help one family I’m still satisfied because I’ve done my job. If you have legal questions, we have a lawyer on standby ,need financing ? We have that too! Being a boss isn’t easy but it has its rewarding moments so it’s worth it. I have came across a lot of adversity I have been in rooms where I felt like I did not fit in or that I didn’t belong because of my background, but then I realize I’m in the room for a reason and it’s ok to stand out. I mean I’m an African American woman with a Japanese name Kyoto I’m going to stand out LOL But seriously, it been uncomfortable but I’m ok with being uncomfortable because I find comfort in being uncomfortable. This book that I read once called “SOUNDTRACKS The Surprising Solution To Overthinking by John Acuff. In the book it talks about broken soundtracks that you have in your mind which are basically negative thoughts. I’n the book it has this exercise for when you have those thoughts you ask yourself 3 questions
1. Is it True?
2.Is it Helpful?
3. Is it Kind?
This is what helps me push forward when I have doubts and overcoming those challenges.
I’m still learning each and every day, so far what I’ve learned about most is PATIENCE, and to give myself credit and grace. What I want people to know is that your past does not defined you, I was written off a long time ago, but God had bigger and better plans for me. Faith, belief, resilience, courage and determination will get you very far. I’m a living testimony to it! I’m walking in my destiny. My purpose here on earth is the create genuine authentic relationships, give back, help others, create beautiful memories and smile and laugh along the way!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
One my favorite zen places is JeJu Sauna in Duluth. Time stops in that place. When I need to unplug and reset I go there to get a full body scrub and massage. Relax in the steam sauna to eliminate all of toxins of world lol and read a book until I decide to go home. When I wanna get a good cocktail and listen to a live band I check out Bermuda Bar or I may even go to Harold’s Ice Bar it’s too live. If want play a couple of games I go to Ponce City Market roof top. When I ready to laugh so hard til I cry, Atl Comedy Theatre. I love a good oyster bar so I’ll definitely go to C&S in Sandy Springs the oysters are to die for!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Though she’s not here with me in the physical world I dedicate my shoutout to my Grandmother Dorothy Jordan, The G.O.A.T! I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without my Grandmother. She instilled great faith, morals, value in myself and integrity as a young child that I continue to carry with me now into adulthood. She taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to. My world as I call him my son Amari , who gives me unconditional love no matter my faults and flaws. He is the reason that I continue daily to become a better me in all aspects so in turn I’m better for him. My son is the reason I can’t and will NEVER fold. I do it all for him. To My greatest supporter my fiancé Jayvin. He believes and supports me in everything thing I do without question. When I told him I wanted to go into Real Estate. He said “ Do it, I’ll invest in you” Thank you my love I’m so blessed to have a partner like you to do life with. To “ The Girls” Ty Tarpkins & Kiuana Dean we took this Real Estate journey together. We studied, laughed, cried, got frustrated an almost felt defeated together. But we pushed, encouraged, supported and uplifted each other til the end. You girls are my sisters for life! Last but not least. Major shoutout to my brokerage Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners Sugarloaf! The culture is unmatched there. The team leaders truly pour into their agents so they can go out and be great for their clients. To the L3 Coaches my “Charlie’s Angels “ Jessica, Heather and Robin thank you soooo much for giving me the boost of confidence and reassurance when I needed it. Thank you for always centering my mindset as well and reminding me to give myself grace. To my besties (IYKYK) family and other colleagues I truly couldn’t have done it without the love, support, guidance, and advice from you all, I LOVE YOU AN APPRECIATE YOU SOOO MUCH!

Website: http://thejway.kw.com/

Instagram: k.jordan_realty

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kjordanrealty

Facebook: KyotaJordan

Other: Email: Kyotoj@kw.com

Image Credits
Redemption Studios Photography

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