We had the good fortune of connecting with Juan Ortiz and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Juan, what’s something about your industry that outsiders are probably unaware of?
One thing about the acting industry that outsiders probably need to be made aware of is the amount of training and hard work behind every show, movie, or presentation. A lot of people, in my opinion, still underestimate actors/performers and think that putting on a show or filming a movie is “not that difficult”, and do not realize the amount of effort and people it takes to create something good. First of all, we as actors go through thousands of hours of acting, voice, and movement training. And that is just so we are ready to take any role that is given to us. Secondly, the show is not made by the actors only, we have to take into account the make-up department, wardrobe, editors, lighting crew, casting directors, and producers, among others, thanks to all of them movies and shows are being made. And lastly, it requires a lot of discipline. You can be the most talented actor but you won’t get anywhere without discipline. Acting is as complicated as any other job, but it is very rewarding as well.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I started dancing when I was very young. My parent would enter my room and catch me doing some High School Musical choreography that I’d learned just by watching the movie. That’s when I decided to join a professional dance crew and join theatre classes offered by some of the best schools in my city, Bogota, Colombia. Soon I came to realize that this was more than a hobby, it was what I wanted to do in life, so I decided to move abroad and study theatre at The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute. I am not going to lie, it was tough. Leaving all your friends and family, learning a new language, learning how to survive by yourself, learning how to cook, and finding out that your clothes don’t get washed by themselves was tough and it took some time. I think that what kept me going was the thought of being in New York City doing what I love.
Don’t get me wrong, not everything was bad there are more positives than negatives. Meeting new people who have the same dream as you do is very heartwarming and inspiring. All my friends and teachers inspired me on a whole different level. They made me realize that if I wanted to be an actor and a dancer, I have to leave my heart and soul on every project I do and give my 100%, because as my dad said: The world needs more art.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
First time in the city? No worries I got you. First off, we are going to have some brunch at Ellen’s Stardust Diner. I never get tired of going there, there is a Broadway show happening while you eat your pancakes, and is much cheaper!
After that, we are going to ride a bike through Central Park. We will park our bikes and have a picnic there. The feeling of sitting down surrounded by nature but also aware that you are in the middle of probably the busiest city is unique.
Going to the edge is a great way to see the sunset, so we’ll be there.
At night, let’s dance! We can go to Le Bain, Nowadays, Elsewhere, Good Room, Fleur Rooms, The Delancey, just to start with, we won’t have enough days to go to all of them.

Walking around the Piers in Manhattan is something that I would do at any time. Just like crossing the Brooklyn Bridge and eating at the marketplace in Dumbo. And if we have enough time, we are taking a dance class at Broadway Dance Center, some of the teachers are on Broadway right now!

That’s what we would do all week. Eat, walk, take dance classes, eat again, party, go to the park, and eat one more time.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I can think of at least 20 people I want to dedicate this shoutout to. From teachers to friends, and people I’ve worked with. I think every person who has been part of my life has made me the man that I am today, therefore I am deeply grateful to all of them. However, If I have to pick someone, it’ll have to be my parents. Even though they studied economics and acting was something new for them, they never said no. They just wanted me to be happy. They have always been there for me, to support me, to give me advice, to teach me about life, to drive me to dance class, to dry my tears, to make me laugh, no matter what, they have been there. I wouldn’t be here without their support.

Website: www.juankortiz.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juankortiz_01

Image Credits
Maria Mutante Pam Torres

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.