We had the good fortune of connecting with Jessena Fields and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jessena, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit as a kid . I’ve had some many different businesses since I was a kid . I used to sell candy , to sunglasses , to weave . In college I opened up my first clothing boutique . On the side of doing all of this I always did hair. I love doing hair because I love that way it makes my clients feel . I love the creativity and talent that goes into it . When someone gets up they really be feeling like themselves , i love that ! I went to college business management because I knew I wanted to work for myself . I’m officially a full time hairstylist as i have been for the past few years but honestly this is just the beginning for me .

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’m still not where I want to be but I’ve come far . I’ve only been in Georgia a little over a year so I’m still getting my feet wet . Anything easy ain’t worth having . This journey has been a long one lol I’ve lost it all to gain it back . I’ve taken losses from clients and there have been many nights where I’ve had mental breakdowns . There has been a time i wanted to stop doing hair but i couldn’t bring myself to it because i really love doing hair . Instead so started to evaluate the situations that had me feeling this way and brain storm how i could avoid them . I created me a booking site , I started adding rules , terms and conditions . i took as many free classes as possible while also using the things i learned in college . I’ve learned that every client is not for me and that okay . I’ve also learned to be patient . I’m a perfectionist and i never want to do anything unless i know it’s going to turn out exactly how so what it to . Sometimes i just need to start and eventually I’ll get there . I’ll held myself back from a lot of opportunities but not anymore. It’s okay sometimes to see the work through . I want the world to know I’m not done yet . I’m just a hair stylist now but eventually my hair growth oil will be well known , I’ll be teaching classes to little girl and teens who are aspiring to be stylist , and , I’ll have salons suites. I don’t want me being behind the chair to be the end of my journey , I want to pour into the people around me . The beauty industry is booming right now and so want to be in the mix . It’s so many creative people out there and I’m not giving up

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I haven’t really been out much here in Georgia but There are a few places i love to go !
Kingston Caribbean is also a must! The oxtail sandwich would set the tone for meals this time weekend 😂

Theory lounge – good drinks and eats plus a girl have to have her hookah

Just brunch – my favorite ! Everything on the menu is soooo good and the vibe is it .

The spot in Decatur – from young to old this place be on the floor ! Every time is a good time . Affordable bottle service , food and drinks . Also the DJ taking us to church every time ! The club be singing along like a choir !

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My mom is the first person I would like to give credit to . No distance was ever too big , she showed up for everything special to me. She’s never missed a game , graduation, prom, dance recital just nothing. She shows up for me and my siblings all the same way . Like Kendra you rock , and you did that! My fiance is my backbone thru this grind. I have so many late nights and she also works full time but it doesn’t matter she always come thru for me . If she know I’m working late , she bringing me food , cleaning the house, or sometimes she’ll come up to my suite. She’ll prep my hair for the next days client so it’s something less I have to do . She make store runs for me , she helps out a lot . I love her for that . My support system is there and they be showing up . The love be real . My friends always support me. I love them all . I just would love to give special recognition to Tania , she will always hold a special place in my heart , from kids to adults she support everything and always show up for me . And my clientsssss helllo lol. I wouldn’t be here if it was for yall ! I have so much in store that i want to give back and my time is coming . Thank you to my clients from lake county , houston and Georgia ! Everywhere i go the love be reciprocated and anytime i come back they book .

Website: https://Senaselections.as.me

Instagram: Hairbysenaa

Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@senabenatv?_t=8ngfNMu5Vux&_r=1

Image Credits
You have permission to use photos from any of my work on instagram .

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.