Meet Jermeir Stroud: Financial Professional & Media Operations Director

We had the good fortune of connecting with Jermeir Stroud and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Jermeir, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
Legacy and independence were the key factors in starting my own business. Legacy, because I wanted to show my children that it could be done. We often fear failure as if it constitutes finality. Failure is just an allusion. I’ve found that while coming short of a goal doesn’t feel good, in reality, failure itself is nothing more than a new opportunity being born. It takes a winning mindset to see that. I want to be an example to my children that there is no reason to fear anything in this world when it comes to your God given vision. As for independence; it was a pretty clear choice based on fortitude. After successfully battling an unfair termination that was initiated by a personal dispute, I decided that I would resist placing my financial legacy in sole control and at the behest of another human. Instead, I chose to place it God’s control and step out on faith. This was especially clear coming out of a career in law enforcement. This past summer protests erupted worldwide against the systems of oppression in America against minorities that often show themselves on the form of disparate treatment and implicit biases subjugated by the police in black and brown communities. This system creates a culture in law enforcement that’s fueled by participation. While some officers are the character nature to be willing participants in this culture, many are individuals who “buy in” into the culture as a form of financial survival and self preservation. In local law enforcement, where many of the disparities of treatment against minorities are most apparent, police administrators are driven by the demands of those with the most power, influence and resources to provide their communities with the ultimate protection for their families and assets.. The second priority is capping the crime statistics in areas with a most active crime rates so that the city remains an attractive location for real estate and commerce. This often causes police commanders induce relentless pressure on the rank and file to achieve the above by any means of enforcement actions deemed necessary; more stops, more frisks, more vehicle stops, more arrests for minor and non violent offenses. Failure or lack of zeal for the mission is met with constant pressures of employment stability or unfavorable punishment for poor performance. It is all predicated on the mental belief of those in the rank and file that the maintenance of this employment is key to building their financial legacy and that working for someone is their only path to financial independence. For this reason, the mental belief in ones own ability to build his or her financial legacy is so important. Else. you are subject becoming a mere tool being used to build someone else’s legacy.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I’m most excited about the opportunity to educate my community about the resources available to build their wealth. Prior to working with me, many are only aware of the conventional and popular strategies for maintaining and building their assets. I offer personalized counseling and understanding as well as a macro perspective of the asset world. I got where I am by placing my service to people above my focus on earning capital. My business is the greatest of all because my commitment to service to my people is above all. Along the way I learned that building trust is paramount. A major part of building trust is consistently doing what you said you were going the do when you said your were going to do it ! For these reasons, I require of myself absolute excellence in my craft. My practice also employs a team of professionals and experts charged with providing a high level of service and knowledge in the profession. With a fleeting number of black financial professionals who offer high level wealth solutions, it is vitally important that I position my brand in a manner where it is clear that we are at the cutting edge of the profession.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I’m a foodie and it’s little known to outsiders that Atlanta is a great food town! So, everywhere I take my people is based on food. As soon as my friend lands at the airport we are headed to Tropical Cuisine in College Park for some authentic Caribbean food or brunch at Milk & Honey. A night out in my favorite food section of the city, Midtown. There would be appetizers at Cooks & Soldiers, sushi at Ra and dessert and coffee across the street at Cafe Intermezzo. And before my friend leaves town, a steak from Sage Woodfire Tavern, topped off with a cigar at Cigar City Lounge or Dantanna’s. But no trip is complete without at hitting up Two Urban Licks and another brunch at Poor Calvins or Negril.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My wife, Crystal, is absolutely to credit. I will never forget the phone call where I told her, I don’t know what the next step is yet or what’s to come. But I’m certain that I must work for myself.” I asked her if she was with me and she affirmed that she had my back more than ever. All of my accomplishments have come with her as my backbone.
Instagram: Sower_of_seeds
Image Credits
Marx Photos @iamgoodz