By far the most common conversation we have with the folks we interview is about work-life balance. Starting a business or pursuing a creative career makes finding work life balance really tough because there is no clear start and end to one’s work day. We’ve shared some of our conversations on the topic below.

Emily/Maria Zand/Pastorelli | Emily: Architectural Designer & Podcast Host, Maria: Marketing Manager & Podcast Host

During architecture school, our priority was to perform well in classes and do our best work in the design studios. Because we are in a creative field, it is very hard to estimate how long things might take or when we will be in a good headspace to work on design problems. Once we got to graduate school, our personal lives started to become more integrated with our school work, and aside from those last few weeks before a big presentation, we found a good balance between working hard and focusing on school and also finding time for ourselves, friends and family. Read more>>

Taylor Ryan | Singer/Songwriter

Work life balance for me is very important being that I still work full time as a mechanic at Delta Airlines in Atlanta. Making sure I have valuable time with my family in between both work and music can be hard to juggle at times. Music for me began 10 or more years ago as a hobby, playing open mic nights and local shows with friends. It was an Avenue that was new and exciting and one I hadn’t been down before. Over time that love and passion for music began to really grow into something that couldn’t be ignored. So, I started writing songs and eventually got up the nerves to play a couple live at local shows. As time progressed and I began meeting more and more people those shows started to fill the calendar. Then next thing I know I found myself in the studio recording an album. Read more>>

AONAH | Music Producer || Audio Engineer

I would love to be able to say I have a healthy work/life balance but if I am being 100% transparent, I don’t. As an Audio Engineer and Producer at Street Execs studio, music takes up all my time. My morning routine is to wake up, get ready, and spend however many hours possible in the studio . On days I have pre-booked sessions, I schedule some time for myself beforehand. Recently, I have been trying to focus more on my personal life and allow myself time to nourish the relationships with the people in my life. Read more>>

Mané Bailey | Serial Entrepreneur and Business Strategist

Especially online, we see entrepreneurs talking about this glorified vision of entrepreneurship. It is easy to make your own schedule, work whenever you want, and have family time. The downside is that we actually work more than 9-5 on our businesses. Our mind is constantly focused on our business. Yes, you have the freedom to do many things, but there will be times where you have to compromise on things that are important for your life, to do things for your business. Read more>>