There’s a ton of research around how setting habits can help us conserve energy because it reduces the number of decisions we have to make in a day. However, not all habits are created equal and so we’ve asked our community to tell us about the habits they have been most effective for them.

Morgan Leigh | Artist and Brand Designer

When you realize you want to create healthy habits for yourself it is important to self reflect. After self reflecting you’ll then know what things are most important to you and what it would take to achieve goals pertaining that. For me the main goal is to be intentional, and impactful. In order to be those things I’d also have to stay consistent, disciplined, and driven. Aside from that the love that you have for you art or passion should drive you to stay consistent. Read more>>

Wichita Mensah | Food Blogger and photographer.

Consistency is the key habit. In my opinion it comes naturally when you are passionate about what you are doing. The second habit is being your worst critic, having the ability to constantly challenging yourself and never being satisfied with your work has helped me tremendously. Read more>>

Jamie Dawson | Spoken Word Poet

When I started out with poetry my mentor Walter “Wally B” Jennings shared a piece of advice that I’ve followed to this day. He said, “Do the work, and it will show. Don’t do the work… and it will show.” When it comes to our goals and dreams we all have choices to make. We can think up great ideas and then wait for something to happen, or we can take small steps every single day to keep getting closer to our dreams. Read more>>

Deyonte’ Davis | Project Manager & Brand Partnerships

Good question. But if I had to pick 3 habits that have helped me succeed, I would say the first is to be intentional about each day. Each day you should set some goals of getting better at something that you are weak at no matter what it is (i.e. reading, storytelling, improving your creative process, etc..). Read more>>

Madi. Low | Producer/Visual Artist

Practice. Practice is probably the most important aspect of anything that I do. I try to incorporate some form of practice everyday. Wether it’s ear training or just practicing melodies, I have to do some type of work on a regular basis. Read more>>