Most of the media often paints all businesses with a single stroke, but in our experience businesses are each unique and so many of them are focused on making the world a better place. We’ve highlighted a few such gems below.
Ifenlota (Lota) Ojiako | Physician. Founder: Zebralter Medical
Zebralter Medical is a 501c3 Nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting Black Students to Communities of color. Currently in the nation, less than 7% of black students graduating from college are in STEM fields. Less than 4% of dentists in America are black and less than 7% doctors in America are black. Read more>>
Bonnie Anahata | Art Therapy Emotional Alignment Coach
My business helps to simplify the healing process by encouraging emotional acknowledgment, emotional grace and emotional releasing! I am here for the sensitive natured who tend to be heavily affected by the myriad of emotions of the world that they easily absorb through experiences & obstacles. I am here for the people whose spirit has called them to reach outside of what the norm of society, their families and their traumas are telling them when it comes to emotions. To show them how to welcome their emotions and not suppress them. Read more>>
Llewellyn Dixon | VP of Operations
Passport Atlanta is an app that is designed to destroy barriers and ensure that all students experience two fundamental things: Access and Exposure. We believe “that they will be what they see”, so we want them to see everything good that Atlanta has to offer. Many of Atlanta’s students live in bubbles where they are either unaware of what is around them or they may not believe would be welcomed there. As a result, their scope is limited for who/what they can become and achieve to what is within reach. Read more>>
Greg Lewis | Editor and Chief
My business will help the world by spreading awareness and creating conversations. Through mass media, I have the opportunity to expand exposure to someone else’s businesses or artistry. I want people around the world to see my business as an outlet for public exposure. A place where they’re heard and seen for who they truly are. Covid-19 drastically effected the human race and slowed down a lot of financial resource for everyone. Read more>>
Adrienne Figures | Mentor, Coach, and Registered Nurse
My business Diamonds in the Rough mentors preteen and teen girls in the community. We help to build their confidence, self esteem, and help them to find their voices. We also help to bridge the gaps of Mother and Daughter relationships. We want for Mother’s to understand their impact and roles in their daughter’s lives, and daughter’s to understand the sacrifices that parents make to provide for them. We’re breaking generational cycles and the possibility of trauma, so we can build generational wealth! Read more>>
Joy Rowe | Founder of Spiritual Palate and WeOnFyre Cypher
Spiritual Palate impacts the community alongside a community outreach and networking event for creatives and dancers, called WeOnFyre Cypher. The WeOnFyre Cypher is an event I created to bring together creatives, to provide a safe place to grow, network, and express themselves. The WeOnFyre Cypher travels to different areas every month and provides an amazing platform and opportunity to speak with people who feel like outsiders in their own communities. Spiritual palate acts as a beacon for mental, physical, and spiritual health within these community outreach events. Read more>>
Johnnie Sanchez | Event Planner & Designer
E.M. Forrester wrote “Only connect.” As an event planner and designer, I help my clients celebrate the most important moments in their personal and professional lives. COVID19 put a halt to many larger events, from weddings to nonprofit galas. I have been honored to help our world connect again through in-person events. Read more>>
Bella Kash | Professional Dancer
I use a unique hands on approach to teach a community of youth and adults alike that had no idea the dream of dance was possible. I help them dream bigger then their surroundings. Putting the community students on platforms to be properly trained and exposed to have a chance to go for their BIG DREAMS. Building confidence, teaching real world work ethic, discipline, and social skills By creating opportunities for the youth and local families, giving the city something positive to represent the city has proven to have a positive outcome overall. Read more>>
Sanidia Oliver Stone | Founder, Head of School
School shouldn’t be hard, or a place kids go to check a box. School should be an experience that helps form the values little people grow to care about. It should be a safe place where kindness is modeled and the structure exists to consider and prioritize the most marginalized members of our community- if we can do that, no one slips through the cracks. Everyone feels seen and empathy becomes a personal and lived experience. Read more>>
Tammy Darmel Moore | Visionary | Social Entrepreneur | Social Innovation Change Maker | Impact Investor
Footprints in Africa, a subsidiary of Chayil Enterprises LLC, is a 501c3 nonprofit organization committed to aiding the people of Africa, in poverty-stricken communities, with necessities needed to maintain a standard quality of life. At Footprints in Africa, we believe that a single action can make all the difference in the lives of others and that collective actions can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and community outreach programs, projects, campaigns, and initiatives, we are committed to fostering support that brings about real change for the greater good of those in Africa. We achieve these goals through conscious and deliberate efforts or activities in their operations and administrations. Read more>>
Brittany Durr | Founder and CEO of BDurr’’s Collection, and tenure educator
I am very intentional on the impact my business has on my community and the world. Specifically my students and my city. Chicago is known for many different stereotypes. Some far from the truth and some with some truth to them. BDurrsCollection will change the narrative on what Chicago has to offer with its unique approach of fashion and education. Read more>>
Stephanie Suero Perkins | Master Cosmetologist, Mom & Entrepreneur
Express Hair Care is all about assisting people with hair growth and healthy hair maintenance. No matter which hair texture/type you have, no matter your age, my products will find their way to a great home in need. I strive to be committed to keep creating products that are 100% chemical free. Chemicals not only damage the hair and scalp over time, but they also interfere with a person who is either battling a sickness or taking certain medications. Read more>>
Nick Davis | Digital Artist
My goal through the Black Is Beautiful series is to inspire and encourage my community. To show black people loving themselves and living comfortably. Read more>>
Ashley Cunningham | CEO Ash Da Life Changer
In 2020, New Credit Inc created a DIY Facebook page named New Credit Inc University that allows followers to use all the tools such as letters, hacks, and education to repair their credit and build business credit themselves at NO CHARGE. New Credit Inc University has countless followers that have taken advantage of this DIY Page and purchased homes, and cars, created businesses, established business credit, and broken generational curses of debt through education and changing their mindsets. As of today, New Credit Inc has a following of 7k active followers that are engaged and eager to move their feet in a positive direction not only for themselves but for their families. Read more>>