Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.

Ms Love Indyy | Actress, Model, and Mogul

Honestly, the creative path chose me. Everything came naturally for me. Growing up I was always this creative child who dreamed soooo big. Nothing was off limits for me, I always knew I could do anything I put my mind to. I was journaling and writing my goals and plans down at an early age like It was like I always knew this was what I was suppose to be doing. It’s a feeling you have and any time I did anything outside of it I wasn’t happy. It always called me back! God is very strategic in everything he does nothing is by mistake. God put the dream and vision inside of me at a young age for a reason. Many are called few are chosen! Read more>>

Rosey Lee | Author

I wanted to write stories that feel like a way to take a break from everyday struggles but also leave readers feeling encouraged, hopeful, and empowered to use something they learned in the story to have a better life. Read more>>

Gary Beals | Artist

I’ve always grown up passionate about music so it all just made sense to pursue a career in music. Music has always been my therapy and an a form of expression. It’s my outlet and my gift. Read more>>

Cymphani Cyrine | Music Producer

I chose the career path of being a Music Producer because I have been intrigued by music since I was really young. My first memories are recording into a tape player and singing along with the music and witnessing my cousin write music and rap. I took after him in my early ages of childhood and begin writing poetry. By the age of 11 I was learning to play piano and I knew at that time I wanted to make music. Music fulfills me and helps me relieve stress and just takes me to a place a way from whats possible. Everything in music isn’t so practical and literal and I feel thats a great way to live life just being in tuned with yourself and nature. Read more>>

Tevin Buchanan | Author, Model, Visionary

I chose to go a different route in life due to unforeseen circumstances, risks, misfortune and personal issues. I like to against the grain a little to make it make sense. Often times if you flock with the birds that are going the same way you may not receive the same space given to fly. I wanted to make sure that I was giving myself a fair chance in developing, ambition, and living a honest but great life. Read more>>

LaToya Yeargans | Producer & Editor

Taking an idea and developing it into a story has always inspired me as an artist. When I was younger, my hobbies consisted of dance, writing, playing instruments and watching TV, I had what I call, the artist’s ambition. Artistically, story ideas have continuously played a part in my life because I’ve frequently wondered, “why?” and “what if?”. I had no idea that careers in Mass Communications, TV, and Film existed or that I was making my way down this path. Throughout my college years, I created original content which led me to start video editing my own stories together.Editing led to directing and producing, so not only can I create an idea and assemble it into a story, I can also turn the story into content for a series and/or film. Read more>>