We asked some of the most creative folks we know to open up to us about why they chose a creative career path. Check out their responses below.
Leighann Blackwood | Millennial Content Creator & Social Worker
I’ve always been an artistic person, even as a child. I remember being around 8 years old and hurrying up the steps to my parents’ room with my freshly printed short stories about characters with big personalities and plots with surprising twists held tightly in hand. My imagination as a child was developed largely, I believe, by my parents who nurtured my ideas and my being an only child who had to entertain myself with countless books and imaginary play. Read more>>
Mika Morrow | Inspirational Singer and Songwriter
I believe that my career chose me honestly. I was always artistic and musically inclined as a child growing up and expressed myself as such in various ways. As I got older I still used my gifts when the opportunity presented itself (especially in church) but eventually me pursing my gifts fell secondary to raising my children. It was until God kept opening doors that were undeniably for me that I decided to walk through and wholeheartedly pursue my career so that I encourage others creatively and spiritually through my music. Read more>>
Evelyn Jessica Rich | Author
Great question! I’ve always had an artistic heart so my evolution as a creative was bound to happen at some point. As an author, I find it AMAZING that I can pour my creative soul into a written work for others to enjoy. And I honor the possibility that someone is out there reading my sh*t at this very moment. I live for it! Read more>>
Angelica White | Atlanta’s Finest Hairstylist & Makeup Artist
I chose an artistic career because it allows me to create a atmosphere of true beauty. By being a creative It awards me the opportunity to fulfill my need of independence. I have the ability to bring someone visions to life with just a brush. Read more>>
Angel Calderon | Music Artist
Since a young age, music played a significant role in my life and I leaned on it to cope with the things I was going through. Initially, I wrote music as a form of self therapy, to give myself a way to clear my mind. One of my closest friends convinced me to start recording what I was writing and I quickly realized how my music could impact others as well. That pushed me to continue to create and make relatable music for those who experienced similar things. To let people know that they aren’t alone and give them a voice through my art, like music did for me. Read more>>
Jasmin Taylor | Performing Artist, Teaching Artist, Producer
I’ve chosen to pursue an artistic career because I’ve chosen to live my life as me. I’m an artist to my core, and before the last few years of my life I was living for everyone and everything else– family, finance, “friendships”, etc and I was so disconnected from myself, and my gifts weren’t making room for me. The start of me truly choosing to pursue my creative lifestyle was when I decided to accept that I am a co-creator of my own reality, through my spirit and emotions. Read more>>
Di Wang | Illustrator & Motion Designer
Art and creativity allow one to discover and feel the beauty of life. At the same time, constantly creating something creative allows me to explore and try new ways of doing things myself. Art also allows people to feel relaxed, to get away from the stresses of life and to immerse themselves in their own world. Read more>>
Hanna Bischof | Concept Artist & Illustrator
I have always been interested in storytelling. I think my fascination with movie and movie making when I was a kid certainly contributed to my interest, and when I discovered that creating art for movies and video games was a career I was enamoured. Previously I had been a very STEM-oriented student, even choosing to attend a STEM high school, but the creative field seemed more exciting and challenging. Read more>>
Miya Michaels | Fashion Designer & Illustrator
I wanted to pursue a career in fashion due to my passion to be unique. As a designer, I am not afraid to try new things. I deeply appreciate art in different forms, music, paintings, sketches, and sculptures. Art is a way to value the form of movement. I am fond of coming up with new ideas. Innovation is important as well as diversity. My dream is to share designers, models, and artists based on talent. Being diverse is more than what is shown on the exterior. Read more>>
Slim | CEO and Founder: SLIM SHADY CO. LLC
I chose to pursue an artistic AND creative career because I am artistic and creative! By that, I mean that anything I create is an art of my own, & my mind is always the creative director of the art. Read more>>