It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day, but it’s important to stop ask: what’s the end goal? Knowing where you are trying to go is step one in getting there and so we’ve asked some folks we admire to tell us their end goal and where they want to be by the end of their careers.

Alissa Bertrand | Fashion Designer

My end goal, is to be a professional fashion designer know for mixing prints and pattern, creating looks that take your breath away, by pushing the border and boundaries. I want each and every collection and garment that I design to take you to a far off place and journey like no other. By the end of my career, I just simply want to be known as that designer who started off recycling thrifted clothing and creating one of a kind looks for her daughters, creating a fashion empire! Read more>>

Cindy Olascuada | Clothing Brand & Fashion

Muffins and Glitter (M&G clothing brand) was built with the intention to promote creativity, positivity, and promote women empowerment. Over all, bring all the creatives to dream wild and make their vision a reality. That has always been the end goal; to make a big impact in this world and leave a glitter paw print. I, Cindy Olascuada, always envisioned a world full of fashion and hugs sliding down rainbows, so created M&G to provide others with a glitter lens to this world of mine. As of now, Muffins and Glitter is currently all online and partakes of pop up shops, however we will hopefully go into local retail. Professionally speaking, we want to branch out into our own boutique and keep expanding. First locally, then nationally, and eventually on a global scale. Read more>>

Lauren Doriahna | Spoken Word Artist

As a poet, I would love to be published in a multitude of literary journals, anthologies, and online journals. I currently work a regular 9 to 5 job, but I would love to become a full-time artist. I also would like to host an annual festival for poetry and the arts. I’m working towards all these goals by consistently writing, collaborating with other artists, submitting my work to various publications, and saving my money. Read more>>