Hardwork? Luck? Good habits? What would you say is behind your success? We’ve shared some thoughtful responses below.
Wayne Brophy | CEO of Cast USA and Cast UK
I have run CAST for 17 years so it is fair to say that I have lots of stories! I started my business from my bedroom at home and seventeen years later, we are an international executive recruitment firm with offices around the world. The business has evolved so much. We have embraced technology for many years and now combine AI, automation and data analytics with engaging personal communication from our teams to deliver a world-class service. We were one of the first recruitment businesses to adopt video technology as part of our candidate selection process and data-driven people insights to find the best talent and match for our clients. Read more>>
Josh Schicker | Founding member of A Stranger and a Friend
Community is the most important factor that determines our success us as a band. Our band started as the three of us came to be in community with each other. We were all at totally different places in life and somehow, we ended As we have come to be friends, business partners, and as life keeps changes coming, we know the importance of genuinely engaging each other and others around us with vulnerability. Read more>>
Justina Dorion | Owner and CEO of The Lash Temple ATL
The most important factor behind my success is my visibility. I believe the more people that see me ( a young, black woman from the eastside of Atlanta), the more the thought will be provoked that “I can too!” And that could be partly because that’s what inspired me. Honestly, I think it’s something we take for granted nowadays with the butterfly effect of social media, but I still have hope that there are people out there who are dreamers, just like me, and love to see others being successful in their everyday lives and that alone motivates and encourages them. Read more>>
Michael Swift | Entrepreneur, Husband, Father, Brother & Uncle
Passion. I knew I didn’t want to have to go through the ordeal of sitting with a loved one after a death going through documents for hours to figure out what family member it was for, if it was the most recent document and could there be another of the same document in another location. To me there had to be a better way to manage this process. Although death is a topic I tend to stray away from I wanted I still wanted to ease the burden on loved ones during this time of sorrow. Read more>>
Yolanda Dowe | Certified Sisterlocks® Consultanta
Seeing women embrace and love their natural hair and the changes it undergoes. The success of my brand is fueled by providing reliable and excellent service, flexible hours, affordable pricing, open communication and always addressing questions or concerns with reinforced positivity for a great outcome. Read more>>
Kristi Oliver | Brand Strategist
The most important factor behind my success and the success of my brand is LIVING my brand. There is never a time when I am “off .” As I live, so does my brand. It is an integral part of me, and I am an integral part of it. I always tell my clients that we are all living, walking, breathing billboards of our brands. A logo, color scheme, and tagline does not constitute a brand. They are merely aspects of your brand assets. Read more>>
Andre Wynter | Producer | Writer | Director | Cinematographer
One of the most important factors behind my success is my unconventional journey toward my current career. My family, education, jobs, mistakes, and failures have all culminated to account for my success. As a film producer, your role is to be a creative problem solver. I was able to stand out amongst my peers early on due to my ability to balance the left and right sides of the brain. I was raised by an accountant and a business consultant that chose to introduce me to the arts from a young age. Read more>>
Sara Goodson | Clothing designer
I feel like what has made sauce thrift so successful is that I am truly just me. I don’t conform to what people think I should be doing. I design what I want, when I want. I believe in being your true kind authentic self and loving what you do is what truly makes you successful. Read more>>
Kim Carr Swords, BCHHP, CHN, CHHC, AIPCC | Health and Wellness Entrepreneur
I think for my business, my story, my passion, my unparalleled knowledge, and my dedication to helping others play the biggest role in my success. My story is extremely rare, and I think a lot of people that are dealing with any sort of health issue can relate and want to follow the path of someone that has done what they want to do…be healthy, feel good, and maintain it through old age! Read more>>
Divya Vaswani | Owner/Creator | Divya Vaswani Interiors
The most important factor behind Divya Vaswani interiors is support. I have endless support from my husband, family, and friends. They are the ones that drive my business, refer to friends, and have pushed me from day one to follow a passion that began as a hobby. They believe in my work and every little “share”, “like”, and comment means the world to me. Read more>>
Abrielle Wilson | Published Model, Photographer and Fashion Designer
The most important factor behind my success, is remaining who I am. I don’t allow anything or anyone to come in and alter who God has called me to be. I have created my own lane. Read more>>
Raquel Reaves | Nail Artist & Owner of Too Pressed By Raquel and Nail Slang
As a black woman and business owner ,I would like to say the most important factor behind my success and my brand is consistency and creativity. For the past 17 years in business I’ve had to stay consistent with the quality of work I put out, on top of staying up on what’s trending and trying to go above and beyond to give clients and customers the experience they’ve never had. For me it’s always finding ways to standout of the crowd that has made my brand successful. Read more>>
Regina Duggins | Founder & Executive Director
The most important factor behind my success is making sure that LGBTQ+ people of color have a voice. In this world, this was a community that was forced to be ashamed of themselves, and the people who started this is the reason why I decided to pick up their torch and continue the fight for the next generation. Marsha P. Johnson, Silvia Rivera, and Stormé DeLarverie are all Black and Brown members of the transgender and gender-nonconforming community who started the riot to fight back against oppression and harassment. Read more>>
Jules Lavallee | Celebrity Writer
When I was younger, I always had the desire to make a difference and I knew that I was different. I was a great student and an even better listener. I had dreams of being an anchorwoman. When I did my internship at NECN, I realized quickly that the producers have control over the narrative. I always knew the power of the media and I wanted to use it for the voice of the voiceless. My journey led me to writing for Software Magazine and CIO Magazine. I had the opportunity to meet the most powerful people in tech. Read more>>
Vanessa Maria | Dharma Astrologer, Yoga Teacher & Writer
The most important factor is how much time I have spent investing in understanding & getting to know my true self. When I say true self – I mean – who I am beyond the programming I received as a child. Who I am on an energetic soul level. Who I am without the societal structures. Who I am without the layers of “density” that keep us from connecting with our heart center. This is how we earn freedom. Read more>>