Shoot your shot? Take a chance? Society bombards us with messages, phrases, examples and stories of how taking risk is the key to success, but is anything ever that simple? We asked some of the brightest folks we know to tell us about how they think about risk. We’ve shared their responses below.


Brenden Perez | Queer, Mexican-Taiwanese Influencer, Musician, and Artist

I think risk is absolutely necessary – Is it uncomfortable? Absolutely. But that doesn’t always make it a bad thing. Sometimes taking a risk can be as small as posting something on social media knowing that you’ll be perceived. In that case, the risks are that you have people that hate your video, and the other hand is that people might love it. Taking the risk to post one video is the one move that led me to where I am today as a full time musician and influencer!! Taking risks is all that I do. Read more>>

Rachael Compton | Jeweler & Founder of by ren

I don’t think I ever thought about risks as risks, at least not when it came to my business. There are challenges. There are opportunities. And there are always pros and cons. When evaluating whether or not I should choose one option over another, I consider the realistic implications of that choice. How much time and energy will this require? How many resources do I need? Read more>>

LeQuan Mack | Chef & Curator

I believe risks are apart of growth in life. Risk Management is what it is referred to in some fields of business; it plays a role in my life by allowing me to take calculated risks and sometime just doing “it” even when the odds are severely stacked against you. I have always welcomed risks and feel it’s sharpened my iron for business and life. Read more>>

Eesa Chavis | Model, Stylist, Business Owner, Aspiring Psychologist, Renaissance Woman & All Around Baddie 🙂

My grandfather told me at 9 years old that “scared money don’t make no money” and it stuck ever since. Taking risks are uncomfortable, but so is growth. Had I not been the daring woman I am, I would have never left Delaware, would have NEVER started modeling, and absolutely wouldn’t have started a business. My life has been so full due to taking risks. If you want it bad enough, weigh the risks, make a plan, and execute. Simple. Read more>>

Ashauna Manuel | Nail technician

If you don’t take the risk you won’t get rich!!!!! I risked a lot for my business and some outcomes were better than others. I feel like if I didn’t take that chance I probably wouldn’t be where I am now. You never know what may happen so I’m glad I didn’t limit myself and went for things even if I didn’t know what would happen. Read more>>

Jab United | Caribbean Arts and Entertainment

Taking risks is very important in the world of branding and marketing. It’s what inspires us to do great things every day and it’s also what keeps us grounded when things go wrong.Risk taking is all a part of the game. In order to achieve specific goals or open new doors sometimes you have to take the risk and just do it. It can be scary at times, because you don’t know the outcome, however you never know unless you try. Read more>>

Teddy Hawkins | Entrepreneur

Taking risk some may call it a gamble, but too me a person taking a risk, a chance for that person must have a goal. Some risk you may take might not have the ending results you where looking for, but you too a risk gave it a chance and tried ain’t nothing to a fail but trying Read more>>

Sweet Heart | Hip Hop/R&B Artist

– [ ] Risk? I Feel Without risk or some form of change theres can not be growth and growth in itself is a reward. My Risky Behavior in pursuing Large Out of the norm endeavors, is what brought me physical and financial freedom. The role risk playing in my life and career is taught me to be stronger, to pre prepare as much as possible, to make solid decisions (because you know risk or usual costly due to a unpredictable outcome) , Read more>>

CC Prestige | Artist

I Think Taking Risk Is Apart Of Life ,Taking Risk has Allowed me to develop as an Artist Read more>>

Che’Keema Jones | Master Cosmetologist & Loctician

When I think about risk, I think about being successful. All things that come from success had some type of risk connected to it. All risk aren’t bad risk but at the end of the day you have to risk or sacrifice something to get to the next level. That can be anything between sleep, money, your personal time, or habits. When I was working for someone I risked getting a weekly constantly check to becoming an entrepreneur and depending on others to pay me. Read more>>