We had the good fortune of connecting with Whitney Smith and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Whitney, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
When I think about risk, I think of it as a necessary evil to my current circumstance in life. Risk push you from your comfort zone, which ultimately introduces you to destiny. You can never elevate in life without risk. I’ve found that risk are required in life, and they will always oppose your present level in life. Your comfort zone will not like risk and will view it as evil or some foreign object that you should stay away from. That is why I call it a “necessary evil.” In my life Risk have played a key role in my success. Every time God was ready to shift me to a higher level, he would instruct me to take crazy risks. For instance, before becoming a full time entrepreneur, God gave me a dream. He told me to quit my dream career and trust that he’d more than double what I was receiving. That career was the highest paying job I’ve ever had, I had been at the place 2 years, been promoted and recieved countless raises and bonuses. Yet, God was telling me to quit with no plan or blueprint, just his promise! If that isn’t a risk I don’t know what is! Despite not having a plan, a day or two after this dream, I quit. With only God’s promise, no blueprint, being a mother of 1 and pregnant I knew I was taking the ultimate risk. Now, a year and a half later here I am walking in God’s very promise! The revelation is that the blueprint was God’s instruction to quit my job, because afterwards my faith in following him led me where to go. But you’d think the risk stopped there, nope; every time God is ready to elevate me especially in my career life, he commands me to take a risk, which I now view as leaps of faith. I no longer see failure the same when it comes to risk. I only see failure as the teacher to success, so now I don’t fear risk, because with every risk is an opportunity to grow.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I own multiple businesses, one a business developing agency, therapy private practice and a non-profit organization. Each of my businesses have a purpose and a cause, therefore they target a particular population to ignite change in. This is what set me apart from many others because I know I’m not for everyone and everything I do has a purpose, therefore I established my businesses the same. I operate in my own lane ordained for me, while supporting and cheering others on along the way. It wasn’t easy getting to this place in my life. I worked hard, but I faithed it even harder. From being homeless, being rejected and feeling worthless I’m thankful to Jesus for where I am now! It was nobody but God’s Grace. Knowing what the bottom feels like; bondage and it’s my goal to help others experience freedom mentally, physically and emotionally.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Being that I’m not from Atlanta my roots are there. My great grandfather ran away from Atlanta when he was 13, to NC. So if I were to plan a good time in ATL we would go to my family’s house in Atlanta. I would allow them to show us a good time around the city as they always did! One main place I want to shout out is my cousin’s old Barbershop that was on SW Beecher st called Payton Barber Shop!
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My deceased great grandmother Rosa Payton. She always told me I would be somebody and in moments that I felt I was nobody it was her words that God used to whisper to me to motivate me to keep persevering.
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