We had the good fortune of connecting with Veronica Kelly and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Veronica, what is the most important factor behind your success?
I have learned my inner circle is the most important to my personal and professional success. Who I allow to have access to me and the things they can speak into my life can directly affect what I know my purpose is and how I pursue it. Having people who believe in me and my goals as much as I do, and they are actually pursuing their own in action not just in empty conversation is huge for me. If your going to talk about something, I’m usually watching what steps you’re taking to accomplish it. That’s how I am, and I’m grateful my truest fans are the people closest to me who love and protect me with those values in mind.


Please tell us more about your work. We’d love to hear what sets you apart from others, what you are most proud of or excited about. How did you get to where you are today professionally. Was it easy? If not, how did you overcome the challenges? What are the lessons you’ve learned along the way. What do you want the world to know about you or your brand and story?
I am the Black Cuban Girl who likes pin-up and sings big band Jazz Music. I would say that sets me apart quite well LOL. No seriously I love old school everything. I’m proud of that. I have always just wanted to be myself and the only way you can do that is by following your dreams. Seeing myself become who I always wanted to be keeps me very excited. Its the only thing that drives me. That’s really the only explanation I have for where I am today. I knew there was a version of me I wanted to be, music I want sing, money I want to make, a way I want to look, the life I want to live and I just do it. Its a one day at a time thing for sure; but I really can be proud of everything I’ve been through and still say, “I’m doing it, and wow I really like what I see, go ahead QUEEN, lets go!” I’m not kidding. I mean that. LOL It has not been absent of hurt, heartbreak and betrayals I wouldn’t wish on anyone. People really know how to hurt you and then make you feel like you aren’t worth anything. It gets lonely, isolated and all you have is yourself and what you know you’re made of on the inside. You better hope you have something inside of you that is immovable, unshakeable and cannot be swayed by the opinions of others. That is where your center is. That is where you create from. That is where you become on the outside all the things you were created to be on the inside. That’s how I overcome challenges. I remember- that where I’m centered is in a place no one can see, and that’s the place where God’s love for me and my love for who I am resides. I don’t ever let anyone touch that. That’s a sacred place. That’s only place that helps you overcome and win every obstacle in your life. Those are the lessons I’ve learned along the way and I’m sure there are plenty more coming.
If I were to say anything about my “brand” or “story”; its LOVE yourself enough to have a plan for your dreams, be authentic, and sincere. If you don’t have a plan, make one. If certain things stop working- adjust accordingly. Becoming who you are meant to be will take work, time and substance so don’t settle to take the easy way out. Have the tough, real and honest conversations, do the work, don’t be fake and LOVE sincerely so you don’t have regrets. You don’t have to hurt others, lie or manipulate to get what you want, or to be viewed a certain way. All you need to have is solid character, integrity and work ethic. Lazy does not work in this atmosphere. Mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical growth are all important and if you are lacking in any, that’s where you will usually find yourself stuck in a life you hate and can’t truly like who you are. It may take longer to get what you want but trust me- you will love your “brand” and “story” more than anyone else ever could. I like to believe everyone on the Veronica Kelly Team is this way and that is why we have found success that is meaningful and worthy of our time, gifts and talents.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
So this is my favorite part about friendship. This is the part I work hardest for. We are in Atlanta-then absolutely going to Divan Restaurant and Bar for Brunch. Anyone knows I am glutton for a castle and tea time so lets be adult about this and have some mimosa too! Right? We are for sure going to the Coca- Cola Museum and the Aquarium. I hope we rented a house because I love going to a local grocery store and cooking for a day and hanging out and seeing the neighborhood. I love nature so if it cant be a real hike then a happy stroll in the prettiest park is fine, In this case it would be Piedmont Park. They have wifi and a community garden. But when you visit Las Vegas…well I’ll save that for the next shoutout.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I have an amazing group of women that surround me. I feel so blessed and spoiled that the wisdom, love and protection I receive was literally hand picked for me and my life. They are my group, my friends, my family, and honestly the smartest group of women you could know. I’m not gonna lie, I am not sharing them. LOL I’m sure they feel the same. So Mom, Big Sis, Doreen, Sharonda, Jessica, Becca, Justine- this is for you. You understand my dreams my fears and my goals. You fight for me, protect me and pray for me. You keep all intruders and fakes away so I can be the best version of myself and I know you always want what’s best for me. You’ve held my hands in the lowest parts of my life knowing I’m headed to the highest parts of my future. I thank God for you everyday and there is not one part of this journey that you have not been a clear sign of love, sincerity and hope for my life. Thank you.

Instagram: veronica_kelly777

Image Credits
Better Together Productions

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.