Meet Ty Gibson | All-around Entertainer, Host and Actor

We had the good fortune of connecting with Ty Gibson and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Ty, alright, let’s jump in with a deep one – what’s you’re definition for success?
Overcoming those challenges that you confidently did your best to achieve while being content with the progress that you made to achieve said challenge(s). And I say it in that way because people tend to think and I use to think that success only reigned acceptable if I obtained something – as in an award or accolade. When in all reality, success is blossomed into its own many different forms such as finally finishing a task you’ve been procrastinating with or exercising a little bit longer than before even down to devoting more time out of your day to spend time with God. Those of many more things I’ve could’ve mentioned are those victories that gives you that feeling of being successful. Now on the other hand – success can look like accolades, exceeding your goals, finding yourself in spaces and places you never thought or imagined you could be in. All of these things are what success is to me. It’s always important to me to celebrate the minor, small, big and large victories as they are indeed valid enough. Especially because I utilized the power that my God in Heaven has granted me with to conquer said obstacles.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am different. And you probably have heard a lot of creatives say this but in all honesty, I can confidently say I have created lanes for myself that no one else has ever thought to create. To the way my characters operate down to the type of content I create. I give a sense of possibility to situations and scenarios you wouldn’t expect there to be one. I make content that would make you turn your head sideways and be like, “I know he didn’t…” Over the years, I have created a world of limitless possibilities and I live in it so freely. That is where my truest success has sprouted from. And most of the time, my creativity stems from either my present moments, my abnormal mindset and or my boredom. Now be mindful that it took years to really grasp this greater understanding of myself and what I exude forth through my content. Also, I went through numerous challenges of my identity being stolen, going through imposter syndrome, feeling as if I was less than, not fully being content and accepting of my journey. I definitely had some trials that I faced and still do however I now know that I am capable to conquer and overcome them especially being 10+ years in the entertainment game. As I look over the years – one huge accomplishment I can humbly brag about is coming up with this worldwide phenomenon of a dance and song entitled the “Kick Swivel.” I’ve always been a self-taught dancer and lover of music but I never knew I would be that person to create something so effortlessly fun that would quickly turn into something so dope that the world also enjoys. The dance stemmed from boredom and that same day I posted this 15 second jingle that I couldn’t get out my head is the same day it went viral. A couple months later, it followed up with a full song featuring my friend Zoie, produced by Casa Di/House of Evo. And that sparked another surge of virality for this easy dance. From there and years later – people still know it, sing it and even stop me in public to question if that was me who created this and or they’ll express how they found me from the Kick Swivel. It’s all a blessing and I’m forever so grateful for it. With that being said, my tips to those who may read this and possibly be inspired – you can do any and everything you set your mind to. Eliminate the thought of virality and just do what you love. Fruit will blossom from a tree that is well-rooted in right soil. If you plant yourself within your goals, aspirations, and dreams the right way – you’re 100% bound to produce forth fruit the right way. That alone will take you much further than trying to do any and everything for a viral moment. Because after you go “viral” you got to keep in mind – your next. Everything you do always got to end up with the follow up. You’ve proven yourself to your audience so now you must keep proving to them what you’re capable of. Always remember, once you get your audience – do what is true to keep your audience. You must continue to feed your grind so that the grind can turn around and nourish you right back, respectfully.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I reside in the city of Greensboro, NC. And from the 12-13 years we’ve lived here – I’ve definitely explored quite a lot. If they’re an arcade lover, I would surely take them to a spot called Round 1 that has a ton of interactive games and activities. And of course the spot has food, drinks, good times and good vibes. On the flipside, there is this other nostalgic, old-arcade gaming spot called Boxcar. I truly love the throwback aura it gives me when I’m in the space. They also have great drinks as well along with Fat Tuesday’s whose right next door with infused slushies. Moving forward to the eating side of things – I have quite a few favorite spots I love to go to such as Zaxby’s which is like our Raising Cane’s, Tokyo Grill – my favorite Japanese spot, Shrimply Delicious seafood – if they’re a fish and shrimp lover along with Ava’s Cuisine for some great, upscale soul food. Now if you don’t know me already, one thang bout it – I like to be outside! I personally don’t have a lot of favorite outside spots but if I do step, you might find me at “the O” which is a karaoke spot. Or Limelight which is a 3-level club, playing a different genre of music on each floor. I also might even be somewhere like Petra Hookah Lounge, Lees Brass Taps and or Jake’s Pub. That’s just to name a few. All in all, you gone find me in an area where there’s a great time to be had surrounded by great people to have it with. Last thing… just incase the Boro might not be jumping? We surely will slide next door to Charlotte with no problem. It’s always a time and vibe out there.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Well first and foremost, all victory goes to my God above. Without Him? None of what I do, am doing and will do would be possible. There are many individuals I could thank who has contributed to my story however a select few I would love to highlight is my Mama, my friend Zoie and of course my supporters – the TyGems. My Mama has been my backbone, my rock, my encourager, motivator and warrior all my life. There has been many times where I wanted to throw in the towel but after offering her God-given reassurance, she always finds a way to reel me back to reality and I couldn’t thank her enough. Next up, my friend Zoie also known as GOTDAMNZO/Iamzoie. He always saw something in me over the years that I necessarily saw nor valued. I’ve always admired his work ethic, comedic personality and his dynamic touch of joy to the social media, entertainment and acting world. From the countless words of encouragement he has given me to be the best version I can be down to seeing the greater side of what was already in me – I couldn’t have asked for a better friend, encourager and supporter. Look at us now, friend. Lastly, my supporters. My TyGems. Y’all are truly what I call y’all, a gem. I am constantly motivated and pushed to be better every chance I am given to wake up and create. As a unit, I’m always finding myself encouraged, loved, inspired, and motivated by you all. I value every comment shared, every DM sent even to the emails y’all shouldn’t be sending just to get my attention. I see it and I see you and know that I love each of y’all, dearly. And I’m forever so grateful for the outpouring support y’all shed on little ol me. Thank you.
Other: My Music: “Lada Dee Lada Dum” – “Intangible Love” – “Kick Swivel” –
Image Credits
Curtis & Cort Photography (@curtisandcort) Inside Monthly (@insidemonthly)