We had the good fortune of connecting with Rina Wood and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rina, every day, we about how much execution matters, but we think ideas matter as well. How did you come up with the idea for your business?
Growing up in the US Virgin Islands came with experiencing a plethora of cultural events including but no limited to Carnival. I’ve always enjoyed Carnival and the various things that make us as Caribbean people unique. Therefore, it was a no-brainer that my business would derive from ideas that would make my brand stand out as a Caribbean brand. KolorMe Beautiful’s first collection was a line of amazing colored lashes. Colored Lashes reminded me of the vibrancies of carnival and the lashes were also perfect for carnival’s festivities such as Parade Day and Jouvert.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
KolorMe Beautiful by Rina is a growing cosmetic line! Our goal is to become known as the Caribbean’s Makeup brand, which will be a full makeup brand including everything you need to create a flawless full makeup look. What sets us apart from other brands is our showcasing of the US Virgin Islands culture in the products that we launch, which includes The Master Madras EyeShadow Palette. I am so proud of this release! For a long time, I’ve envisioned a palette that represents our culture at even just a glance. This palette is beautifully trimmed in a print of our cultural fabric called “Madras” and it has an amazing image of a “mocko jumbie” at the front as well. One of my tag lines is “Fo deh kultcha!” (For the Culture.) It was not easy remaining in business since we opened in 2019. In midst of a pandemic, I also had to learn everything that I know about running and operating a business. I did not have anyone to guide me in this world of entrepreneurship, finding vendors, legalities, etc. One important lesson that I learned is to research your field. It is important to know what is required to operate a business and it is important to know your competitors. I’ve also learned patience, someone else’s success story might not be yours. Your success might come easy or it might not but that doesn’t mean that you should give up if it doesn’t go the way you planned. I’d like the world to know that as a single mom of 4 kids, I was apprehensive and afraid to take risks because I’ve always said this ‘I can not fail my children.” However, taking the risk to open KolorMe Beautiful was the best thing I’ve done for my family. It has opened so many doors and relationships with people that is “for us”. My brand is a symbol of my culture and I am happy to take my kids and the world on this journey with me!

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I haven’t been a resident of Georgia for too long but I have some daytime and night time places in mind. I am intrigued with anything historical. I love music so I enjoy concerts, night clubs and day parties. Let’s start our week on Monday and end it on Sunday. Here’s the itinerary.

Monday Daytime: Downtown Auburn Avenue to visit Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s birth home and other historical sites in this area.

Tuesday Night time: Downtown Skyview Ferris Wheel and take a ride on the horse carriage. I love the scenery downtown at night.

Wednesday Daytime: Georgia Aquarium! I love the ocean and sea life. It amazes me to see the creatures that live under the ocean.

Thursday Night Time: Dinner time at Olive garden which is my favorite restaurant.

Friday Daytime: Six Flags!

Saturday Night: Flexx Night Club for a night of fun!

Sunday Daytime: Sunday Rum Punch Brunch for socializing, eating and chilling.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Initially, when I was in the testing stages for what would be my first collection of products, I posted a picture on social media of me wearing a purple colored pair of lashes. Underneath this post, Elise Rose of Beauty is the Beast, Inc commented “Where did you get these lashes from? I like them.”. I then responded stating that these lashes are from a lash line that I will be releasing in the future. Her second response is what made me hold myself accountable. She said “When you release them, let me know. I need a pair.” Shout out to Elise, your comment made me push to open my business and I am forever grateful. Since then Elise and I made a spiritual connection; we’ve entered the world of entrepreneurship together where we share ideas and have become friends and business partners as well.

I would also like to thank Christine N. Lee for encouraging me and getting me on the right track to solidify a deal with my first brand ambassador.

Shout out to Nikki Brooks for always mentioning and promoting KolorMe Beautiful. She pushes me to be more social which increases my networking abilities.

Shout out to my sisters,(Knysha and Khalysha), my mother, father, cousins and other family members, who encouraged me by supporting my business when sales were at a minimum. I appreciate you all.

Last but not least, shout out to my children K’Sai, K’Moi, Kmyra and Kjay. My first 3 children has been promoting my business to their friends (without me asking) and they inspire me to keep pushing. K’Sai was even able to make a connection for me to obtain my very first deal with Lisa of Ms. Ebony’s Beauty Essentials where my products are sold in store!

Website: www.kolormebeautiful.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/kolormebeautifulbyrina?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=1xkbwtdm5sn28

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KolorMeBeautifulbyRina/

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.