We had the good fortune of connecting with Richard-Anthony Panier and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Richard-Anthony, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
My thought process behind starting my own business is trying to scratch my own itch. If I have a problem that I can’t seem to find a solution to OR the only available solutions lack a certain quality then that’s when I see an opportunity to create. So it’s usually based off of either what do I need to make my life easier or someone else’s life better. This goes for all of the businesses I’ve started.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Real estate investing was my first legitimate business. I knew owning rental properties was something I wanted to do since starting college because I saw first hand the benefits of PASSIVE income, to me passive income was the easy way out. I did my first internship during the summer which is when I’m usually parlaying with friends. Seeing that I had to spend hours during the beautiful summer at a cubicle instantly turned me off so I lived the frugal life I needed to in order to buy real estate. I’m proud to say I’ve gotten to 16 rental units by 28 years old and even more proud that I’ve been able to share my journey along the way by sharing the ups and downs plus various strategies. I’m looking to continue to teach people about passive income either through real estate or other entrepreneur endeavors. Always willing to listen and learn from like minded individuals. Real estate investing isn’t rocket science; it’s easy to do but it’s also easy not to do. It’s easy to not read the books, to not listen to the podcasts, to not attend (virtual) real estate chatrooms. Yet, if you really set your mind to it then it’s easy to do all of those things and get started. People get so hung up on the money aspect and don’t realize that if you collect the knowledge the money will come to you.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Assuming their visiting me in Atlanta, I’d say we’d definitely have to go to the Porsche driving experience! By far the best thing I’ve done here. Would also check out iFly Indoor Skydiving, Stone Mountain, Ponce City Market, and BonfireATL. The other than that probably eat and drink a lot, I love BarTaco but would mostly check out a lot of the great black owned restaurants since Atlanta is known for it’s culture: Roc South, Rock Steady, Lickety Split, Slim & Huskies, Ms. Iceys, Tassilis, etc. With this pandemic and all that makes things a little more difficult. Would definitely enjoy a couple kickbacks.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
There are so many people to thank along my journey, of course my mother and father as they’ve had the most direct contact with shaping the man I’ve become today. My mother has been supportive of just about everything I’ve wanted to dive into and going above and beyond to map out or assist me along the way. My father has been that push of what more can you do and getting me to think bigger; both I’m extremely grateful for. I have a great circle of friends who are supportive and we make sure to give each other our flowers while we can still smell them. That type of support is amazing and works wonders. As for organizations, I’ll say Florida A&M University (FAMU) and the National Association of Black Accountants really helped to shape my my success! As a first generation college grad these organizations helped to shape me even further and allowed me to obtain a university degree for my family. I became an avid reader in college, late bloomer. However, the books that rocketed me into wanting to live a prosperous lifestyle and actually take meaningful steps were: How to Win Friends & Influence People; As A Man Thinketh; Rich Dad Poor Dad; and The 4Hr Work Week.
Website: www.iamthinkingrich.com
Instagram: @richard__anthony
Linkedin: Richard-Anthony Panier
Twitter: ModernRichard