We had the good fortune of connecting with Marquitta Minniefield, M.A. and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Marquitta, how has your work-life balance changed over time?

Whew, this is a loaded question. Everyone has different levels of capacity. In order to know your “balance”, you must also know or learn your capacity!

Capacity – How much you can take on or provide

Let me explain. Oftentimes as dope entrepreneurs, we find ourselves OVER WORKING. Honestly, it’s not completely a horrible thing because we’ve finally found that “thing” we love to do, so working isn’t really working. This could be a result of just starting and wanting to learn all that we can, maybe even making sure your clients have all that they need or coming up with the next idea that will hopefully maintain a certain lifestyle (I’m not even talking about the big bucks yet!). However, if not careful, you will quickly learn what burnout is! That is such a real thing.

Insert balance! In order for me to have balance, I had to learn my capacity in every area of my life. Oh, you thought the balance was just about work? Heck no! It is vital to have it in all aspects.

Balance for me showed up when I found myself burned out, tired, even at my doctor’s office with a blood pressure reading that I won’t even share. Let’s just say, IT WAS HIGH! My doctor said something to me that I tell people all the time, “if you don’t take care of you, who will?!” Umm, hello?? I was watching everyone enjoy life while I was sitting at the doctor’s office! Someone had to say it back to me and I had to eat my own words.

NOW…. There is a reason why I have to have a cut-off time. I have to give myself time to unplug from it all.

Hey entrepreneur…. You have to take care of YOU!

What do I think about balance now? It’s about being able to LIVE to see the fruits of all my labor.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?

How much time do you have? I’ve been told to tell this story in a movie or book. For now, I’ll share the summary.

Character, authenticity, follow-through! I like to think those are three of the main attributes that set me apart from others. My character is my name. If I put my name on it, then it has to be RIGHT! Now, I always leave room for improvement because I am far from perfect, but putting my best foot forward, every time is important.

Being authentic MATTERS! Enough said.

Follow-through!!!!! Please, as a black female-owned business, I cannot express how important that is. Follow through with what you said you were going to do (Yall, if you can’t do it, say that! Communicate that, it’s okay!  People respect that as well.), have it done right and by the deadline set. If you miss the deadline, COMMUNICATE! PERIOD!

I’m excited and proud to be in the space I’m in, thriving and continuing to learn!

HECK NO it wasn’t easy. I overcame by NEVER quitting! If it didn’t work one way, I tried a different way.

Some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way are these: (THERE ARE SO MANY MORE!)

  1. You actually have what it takes, but you have to work and work hard at making it a thing.
  2. Make sure you have a good community of pushers around you and some who know MORE THAN YOU!
  3. Never stop learning!
  4. Don’t get lost in comparing yourself or what you do to ANYONE! Trust your own process and it’s okay if it takes a little longer. It’s all part of making you become!

I want you to know that you haven’t seen my full story yet, stay tuned!

MinniWays Productions has grown over the past 2 years.

Voyage ATL with the exclusive announcement! I’m excited to announce MinniWays Administration & Consulting. During the pandemic, we helped multiple companies, entrepreneurs structure, restructure and organize their businesses. Every one had to learn how to PIVOT, I’m honored we were able to assist so many.  What are you waiting for??? P.S. We are training people to become virtual administrators! Visit my website https://minniwaysproductions.com/consulting/

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?

So my Bestie and I travel the world together, so you can imagine Lenae Burgan(Bestie) has already been here multiple times with me!

See, I think Atlanta has a ton of hidden gems. Before I relocated here, She and I came down back in 2009 and visited this spot out in Riverdale, GA it was the best soul food spot and I will argue it is still one of my favorites!

Shout Out to Annie Laura’s Kitchen!

In a Pre/Post – Covid world, honestly, we are going to try to get it all in. There are so many places I haven’t touched, like a show at the famous Fox Theatre! I cannot wait till we can get back to those!!

The Bestie and I don’t necessarily do itineraries?

If in the city, we love the StreetCar! It will take you all around downtown and hit every major stop.

If we are hungry, we will either dine at Sweet Georgia’s Juke Joint and enjoy some live entertainment or Sweet Auburn.

We have Centennial Park, a dolphin show at the Georgia Aquarium and a stop by the World of Coke.

The different Museums and of course the MLK Memorial!

We must take a drive to Savannah as well.

Zama’s for Taco Tuesday!

This is why I love it here. There is so much to do.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?

Well, anyone who knows me, knows I am a FAMILY GIRL!

My family is my backbone and neck. They keep my head on straight! We have different lives, live in different locations and have different things going on but these people…. these people have my back! Many times, they have no idea what I am doing or what next move I’m making but I can always count on them. They are also the people who will tell me WHEN I AM WRONG! My brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews are always on my mind. I love those people with all of me.

My spiritual mentor lives in a different state but when I call, he makes time. Pastor DK (DeJuan Kelker)! I could go on, but you already know!

My other mentors (yes, plural) because I need more than one. I realized that I need all bases covered! I don’t get to talk to them as much as I’d like, when I do, I always leave their space strengthened and encouraged (Katrice L. Mines, Suzan Kounta)

Finally, to all the entrepreneurs out here GRINDING IT OUT!  This thing is not easy and some days, you may want to QUIT… DON’T QUIT, YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!!!! You will see the fruit of your labor, stay in this thing, you have help!

Website: www.minniwaysproductions.com

Instagram: minniways_productions and iam_marquittaminniefield

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marquitta-minniefield

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MinniWaysProductionsLLC

Image Credits
Photo of Me – Derek Blanks

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlana is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.