We had the good fortune of connecting with Los De Ida Y Vuelta Los De Ida Y Vuelta and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Los De Ida y Vuelta, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
Intercultural Artistic Expression: Our artistic expression constantly evolves from the experiences of coexistence between men and women, through it is possible to evidence the processes of transformation and evolution in cultures. From art we undertand that artistc expressions are necessary for human existence and fulfill the important role of sensitizing people by contributing to the construction of a more equitable society and aware of the presence of the other.
The musical group Los De Ida y Vuelta proposes to establish an agenda of permanent cultural appreciation, which stimulates people´s aesthetic sensitivity and is visible with an estimated number of shows and pedagogical workshops. To this end, we present the scenic repertoire of the group Los de Ida y Vuelta, an artistic staging between flamenco music and dance, which allows dialogue and build sociocultural ties with other artistic expressions, interacting and involving artists from multiple disciplines, to craete mixtures of genres and cultures, as has happened in Flamenco, Jazz, Country and Latin American Folklore.
The mixture in the performance intives us to ask ourselves the question of identify and opens spaces for dialogue from the difference with the other and respect for others. We believe that in miscegenation there is purity and the power to continue growing as cultures, at the same time as globalization and accelerated technology, which sometimes isolates us from sharing in physical community.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Our mission focuses on bringing art to economically disadvantaged communities or familes where one or both parents are absent. We provide knowledge and artistic teaching that anable the continuous creation of art, engaging children, young people and adults. In this way, we serve as an agent of social integration, improving interpersonal relationships through art and our method of intercultural sensitization. We contribute cultural entertainment, music education and dance, where participants engage with one another based on respect, individual and collective leadership. This creates a space for expression aimed at the community, strengthening the social fabric by uniting people from diferrent cultures or nationalities through artistic expression.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
We would love to show those people the wonderful natural places, public parks, that are available to the public to play sport, Play music or record a music video.
We would also take them to any of the wonderful Hispanic Culture Festivals.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Music therapy is the adapted use of musical elements : sound, rhythm, melody, harmony, with the aim of therapeutic improvement of individuals living conditions. There is documentation suppoorting that humans have used it since the earliest civilizations, but it has gained significant importance as a tool for improving quality of life in the last 70 years.
Music therapy establishes a communication space that facilitates both introspection and extroverssion, meaning music also helps people connect with themselves and others. It positively influences motor skills, memory, attention, creativity, verbalization, stress and anxiety reduction, brain stimulation. immune system and biological rhythms.
Some pioneers who inspired us in include: Mary Priestley, Clifford k Madsen, Rodolfo Benezon.
Instagram: @losdeidayvuelta
Facebook: Los De Ida Y Vuelta
Youtube: https://youtube.com/:LosDeIdaYVuelta?si=d9SL7HqM37w0_GpH
Image Credits
Fer Huelgas
Carlos Mario Lema
Hilos del Viento Gitano