We had the good fortune of connecting with Chicona Kibria and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Chicona, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
The most important factor behind the success of my brand is knowing that my hard work and dedication yields results that are more substantial than anything obstacles I’ve faced.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My journey started in New York City back in 2004. I started out as a receptionist for a corporate real estate company and quickly move my way up to executive assistant to C Suite executives in a 20 year band. I worked for several companies starting out as receptionist and administrative, assistant and executive assistant, to assistant to C Suite. I did not have a formal education and getting to this point however I worked really really hard in each role that I had I went above and beyond to assist others and to assist the people who I supported which quickly moved me up in the ranking, I had an amazing corporate career over 20 years working for the top companies in the world. I worked on Park Avenue Madison Avenue Midtown NY Central Park all the grand places that you would want to work.

In 2014 I made the decision to start my own event planning company as event planning was one of the best parts of my job. I started with absolutely no knowledge of being a business owner. I knew I had a passion and I just went with it. I reached out to the top NYC event planners and found a mentor! My very first mentor JoAnn Gregoli was NYC top 5 event planners for years! Joann took me under her wing and taught me the ends and outs of event and wedding planning and gave me hands on experiences that money couldn’t pay for.

Fast forward to 2020, COVID hits and the event industry suffered big time due to social distancing. At this time I knew I had to do something different. Something to boost my business and get back on my feet. I was also going through some personal issues at that time so I knew relocation was going to be my best option in starting over.

I moved to Atlanta, GA in 2021 with my children and knowing only two people in the entire state. My goal was to rebrand my event planning business and take over the ATL! Immediately upon arriving to Atlanta, I booked 1:1 trainings and mentorships with Atlantas top event planners, and attending over 50 networking events. I made connections that I would otherwise have not made and was sitting at tables where I could not be had I not put myself out there.

A year after moving to Atlanta, I was in a funk and depressed due to not having family/friends close by. My daughter came to me and presented an idea to help me feel better. Knowing I was an avid candle lover she shared with me a TikTok video of a woman who made her own candle by melting old candles she had around the house. I had nothing to lose so I gave it a shot! People would come over and ask about the amazing smell of my home and I explained to the. It was from candles I created! From there I received requests to make custom candles for friends and family until one day I decided it’s time to sell these candles!

After months of testing, I finally launched my brand in 2022. Launching my first product based business was not easy! After providing a service for so many years with the only form of promo being word of mouth, selling products was extremely foreign for me. Luckily, because I took the time to invest in myself when I first moved to Atlanta, I had numerous resources and support from others whom I previously engaged with. My candle business took off and now almost two years in, my product is offered in local shops, I have monthly candle making workshops, I’ve partnered with other entrepreneurs to create custom products for their business, and organizations, and also have a mentorship program! My journey was definitely not easy, however with mentors, coaches, and a strong support system I was able to gain success in both of my businesses

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If my best friends came to town we would definitely hit up the spa! Brunches and dinner dates everyday. We would spend time at the gun range, doing Axe throwing, and escape rooms. We love live music so we would definitely hit up some outdoor concerts. Pottery and Karaoke would also be at the top of the list!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Shoutout to my children! They have truly been my rock and anchor; they’ve been there from the beginning and supported me through it all!

Website: www.ScentsByChiconak.com

Instagram: @Scents_By_ChiconaK

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Chiconak

Other: www.pathwaytoprofitability.com mentorship program

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.